
Paperback (9)
Hardcover (3)
2025 (5)
2024 (3)
2023 (2)

Studieboeken (13)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 47,45

Islamitisch basisonderwijs in Nederland

2025 || Paperback || Marietje Beemsterboer || Leiden University Press

Al sinds de oprichting in 1988 is het islamitisch basisonderwijs in Nederland een bron van discussie. De ontwikkeling ervan heeft de afgelopen dertig jaar niet stilgestaan en geeft aanleiding tot nieuwe inzichten. Toch worden in de discussie al jarenlang dezelfde argumenten gebruikt. Hoe geven de verschillende islamitische basisscholen vandaag de dag vorm aan hun identiteit? En hoe wegen zij de verschillende maatschappelijke debatten over de islam daarin af?

Dit boek laat – met een focus op...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 76,00

Irrigating the Desert

Water Management, Agricultural Practices, and Social Complexity in Southern Turkmenistan during the Bronze Age

2025 || Paperback || Roberto Arciero || Leiden University Press

Ancient civilizations often developed near major rivers, like in Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Central Asia, the Murghab alluvial fan in southern Turkmenistan was central to the emergence of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), also known as the Oxus Civilization, during the third and second millennia BCE. The local alluvial fan was central for the productive agriculture at the basis of the region's urban centers and the wealth that accumulated in these societies.

This volume expl...

Leverbaar vanaf 26 maart
met 5% korting 52,20

Radicalized Conservatism in Israel

The One-State Ideology and Democratic Decay

2025 || Paperback || Mateo I. Cohen || Leiden University Press

The year 2023 will be known as the most consequential year in Israel in generations. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict intensified into levels of violence that shocked the world. The bloody episode overshadowed a constitutional overhaul introduced by Israel’s Likud-led government, widely criticized as an attempted executive coup. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's most impactful leader in decades and indicted for multiple corruption charges, has entered his third term as Prime Minister following f...

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World History for International Studies

2022 || Paperback || Isabelle Duyvesteyn e.a. || Leiden University Press

Studying change in the course of human history, in different places, through the lens of a diverse set of core themes, World History for International Studies offers readers a set of windows into different debates historians have been conducting. Key themes, such as communication, trade, order, slavery, religion, war, identity, modernity, norms and ecology, are linked to specific world regions, which tell a story about how local ideas and individual contacts developed, started to overlap and ...

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met 5% korting 35,10

Gestructureerde inlichtingenanalyse voor opsporing en openbare ordehandhaving

Handboek voor de praktijk

2023 || Ringband || Willemijn Aerdts e.a. || Leiden University Press

Inlichtingenanalyse is een fundamentele schakel in het werk van elke professional die zich bezighoudt met openbare orde en veiligheid. Anticiperen op een onzekere toekomst is hierbij van groot belang. In dit boek worden de belangrijkste analysetechnieken, zoals die niet meer zijn weg te denken uit het inlichtingenveld, uitgelegd en toegespitst op de Nederlandse praktijk. ‘Gestructureerde inlichtingenanalyse voor opsporing en ordehandhaving’ kan daarmee dienen als naslagwerk tijdens de dag...

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Prophets, Poets & Scholars

Exploring the Collections of the Middle Eastern Library at Leiden University

2024 || Hardcover || Arnoud Vrolijk e.a. || Leiden University Press

The year 2024 marks the opening of the new Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, a purpose-built facility to serve the needs of all those who engage in the study of the Middle East and North Africa from the dawn of history to the present day. To celebrate the occasion, more than 40 authors from Leiden and beyond have contributed to this special volume on the library’s rich and multifaceted Oriental holdings.

Topics range from the Ancient Near East to the material and conservational ...

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met 5% korting 42,65

Van orakelbot tot weblog Deel 1 Lesboek klassiek Chinees

|| Paperback || Paul van Els || Leiden University Press

Deel 1, deel twee is verkrijgbaar onder het ISBN 9789087281380

De uitspraken van Confucius, de strategieën van Sunzi, de wonderverhalen van Gan Bao en de gedichten van Li Bai… al deze teksten zijn lang geleden opgetekend in het Klassiek Chinees, een taal die al meer dan tweeduizend jaar wordt gebruikt door denkers, dichters, schrijvers, dokters, priesters en andere geletterden in China. 'Van orakelbot tot weblog' is het eerste Nederlandstalige lesboek voor deze eeuwenoude, maar nog springlev...

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Anatolian Livestock Trade in the Late Ottoman Empire

2024 || Hardcover || Yonca Köksal Özyaşar e.a. || Leiden University Press

This book analyzes the expansion of the Anatolian livestock trade, focusing on sheep and cattle, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries— a period marked by significant changes in state policies, society and environment. It examines the impact of these changes on both human and non-human actors, maps trade routes and networks, and explores their transformations over time, thereby contributing to the literature on Ottoman environmental and socioeconomic history.

The book identif...

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met 5% korting 39,90

Paint Feet on a Snake Full-form character edition

an intermediate Mandarin reader

2015 || Paperback || Lin Chin-hui e.a. || Leiden University Press

This book is intended for Chinese Studies majors, China-focused students in other fields, heritage learners, and professionals. It will help improve vocabulary and grammar competence, and foster reading strategies and writing and translation skills, for use in academic and professional settings.

Paint Feet on a Snake

*is available in full-form and simplified character editions

*is aimed at learners of Mandarin with a command of about 850 characters and 1200 vocabulary items

*is suitable for...

Leverbaar vanaf 28 mei
met 5% korting 151,05

Expeditions in Persia

Exploring Qajar Persia in two 19th-Century Diaries

2025 || Hardcover || Siavash Rafiee Rad || Leiden University Press

'Expeditions in Persia: Exploring Qajar Persia in two 19th-Century Diaries' unveils the intricacies of 19th-century Persian expeditions through two complementary travelogues. The first account, with an anonymous author (attributed to Sir John Malcolm), offers a detailed diplomatic and historical perspective on the journey through Persia during an East India Company mission led by Sir John Malcolm. The second travelogue, written by Mirza Saleh, an Iranian intellectual and later diplomat, chron...