Studieboeken (6)
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches / 7th edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || W. Lawrence Neuman || Pearson
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods is a highly regarded text that presents a comprehensive and balanced introduction to both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social research with an emphasis on the benefits of combining various approaches.
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Educational Research / 6th Global Edition
Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
2020 || Paperback || John W. Creswell || Pearson
A practical, step-by-step core research text that balances coverage of qualitative, quantitative and combined methods
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research offers a truly balanced, inclusive, and integrated overview of the processes involved in educational research. This text first examines the general steps in the research process and then details the procedures for conducting specific types of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed me...
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Sociology / 5th edition
A Global Introduction
2011 || Paperback || John Macionis e.a. || Pearson
Sociology: a global introduction represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.
Joining Together: Pearson New International Edition : Group Theory and Group Skills
Group Theory and Group Skills
2013 || Paperback || David Johnson e.a. || Pearson
Joining Together introduces readers to the theory and research needed to understand how to make groups effective and, through exercises and thorough explanations, equips them with the skills required to apply that knowledge to practical situations. Chapters discuss the history of groups and group dynamics, the nature of experiential learning, group goals, communication within groups, leadership, power, decision making, controversy and creativity, and conflict management. More applied chapters...
Sociology / 16th Global Edition
2017 || Paperback || John Macionis || Pearson
For courses in Introductory Sociology Sociology empowers students to see the world around them through a sociological lens, helping them better understand their own lives and the world we all share. John Macionis, author of the best-selling Introductory Sociology franchise over the last three decades, takes students step by step through the theories and research that make up the discipline, helping them to find and use the science of social behavior in everyday life. In addition to extensivel...
Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective / 8th edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Raymond Scupin || Pearson
Societal Organization and Globalization in Cultural Anthropology Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective provides students with an introduction to cultural anthropology through a traditional holistic and integrative approach. Organized by societal type, this book's primary emphasis is on applied anthropology, with a strong coverage of globalization. Additionally, it emphasizes three unifying themes: 1) the diversity of human societies and cultural patterns the world over, 2) the similarit...