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Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Motivational Interviewing / 3rd edition

Helping People Change

2012 || Hardcover || William R. Miller e.a. || Guilford Publications

*A to Z revision of a bestseller (250,000 in print); the bible of a proven, highly effective therapeutic technique. *Enjoys worldwide popularity; off-the-shelf and text sales are bolstered by author workshops and frequent MI training events. *Reorganized around the co-creators' evolving framework for teaching and implementing MI.

*Strong demand for MI titles: originally developed for treating addictions, the approach is now widely used throughout mental health and health care. *Value-added on...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 28,49

Motiverende gespreksvoering in de gezondheidszorg / Druk 2

gedragsverandering als je maar 7 minuten hebt

2015 || Paperback || Stephen Rollnick e.a. || Ekklesia