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Essentials of Animal Behaviour / 1st edition
1999 || Paperback || Peter J. B. Slater || Cambridge University Press
Essentials of Animal Behaviour is an introduction to the study of animal behaviour and is primarily intended for first or second year undergraduates attending short courses in the subject. The book concentrates on putting across the basic principles as briefly and lucidly as possible with the aid of carefully selected examples from both the recent and classic literature, together with numerous illustrations. It will enthuse readers with this active and exciting area of research, and will lay ...
Models of Working Memory
Mechanisms of Active Maintenance and Executive Control
2020 || Paperback || Akira Miyake e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Working memory is currently a 'hot' topic in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Because of their radically different scopes and emphases, however, comparing different models and theories and understanding how they relate to one another has been a difficult task. This volume offers a much-needed forum for systematically comparing and contrasting existing models of working memory.
It does so by asking each contributor to address the same comprehensive set of important theoretical questions ...
Optimality Theory
1999 || Paperback || Rene Kager || Cambridge University Press
Optimality Theory's central idea is that surface forms of language reflect resolutions of conflicts between competing constraints. Exercises with chapters 1-7 and sections on further reading. For linguists with a knowledge of derivational Generative Phonology.