Studieboeken (39)

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Business Grammar Builder / 2nd edition

Intermediate to Upper-intermediate

2010 || Paperback || Paul Emmerson || Macmillan || met inkijkexemplaar

The Business Grammar Builder is a grammar and reference book for professional adults who need to maintain and practise their English in a business context. It can be used in the class and for self-study.

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A Circular Economy Handbook / 2nd edition

How to Build a More Resilient, Competitive and Sustainable Business

2020 || Paperback || Catherine Weetman || Kogan Page Ltd

WINNER: 2018 Les Plumes des Achats & Supply Chain - The Committee Special Prize As we learn more about the climate and biodiversity crisis, it is clear that how we make and consume things is a major part of the problem. Extraction and processing of materials, fuels and food makes up about half of global greenhouse gas emissions and over 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress. Many modern businesses deplete resources, destroy ecosystems and dump waste and pollution at every stage - harming ...

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Report writing for readers with little time / Druk 1

2012 || Paperback || Rien Elling e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

In Higher Education, the Dutch edition of Report writing for readers with little time is the textbook most widely used for the writing of reports of a technical nature while professional writers use it as a popular reference work.

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met 5% korting 21,38

Van weerstand naar veranderbereidheid / Druk 3

over willen, moeten en kunnen veranderen

2019 || Paperback || Erwin Metselaar e.a. || Bricklayer Productions

Een stabiele factor in de literatuur over verandermanagement. Van het daarin gepresenteerde diagnose-instrument, de DINAMO voor veranderbereidheid, wordt intensief gebruik gemaakt in de praktijk van verandermanagement.

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Managing Across Cultures / 1st edition

Concepts, Policies and Practices

2021 || Paperback || Mohamed Branine || SAGE

Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors hereManaging across Cultures introduces the concepts, policies and practices of managing resources in different socioeconomic, political and cultural contexts. It is structured on a country-by-country basis to allow a closer and more rigorous examination of the factors that influence labour market trends, organization and employment policies and practices in specific countries. The book:- includes dedicated chapters on emerging economies in...

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met 5% korting 16,86

Van werkdocument tot eindverslag / Druk 1

Praktijkgericht onderzoek doen en beschrijven

2014 || Paperback || Joke Kiewiet - Kester || Coutinho || ook als eBook

Voor studenten is praktijkgericht onderzoek een belangrijk, maar vaak ook lastig onderdeel van de studie. Het uitgangspunt van dit boek is dat onderzoek doen en onderzoek beschrijven parallelle, elkaar beïnvloedende processen zijn. Het boek heeft als focus de toegevoegde waarde van het onderzoek voor de praktijk waarbij verslaglegging al vanaf het begin van het onderzoek een belangrijke rol speelt: van structurerend naar communicerend. Studenten merken dat vroegtijdige aandacht voor de versl...

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Operations Management / 10th edition

2022 || Paperback || Nigel Slack e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Operations may not run the world, but it makes the world run! To truly understand the way a business operates, you need to get your hands dirty -- that's how you get to appreciate what's actually happening within an organization. Looking inside for the answers is what Operations Management is all about. Learn from world-leading experts Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones and Nicola Burgess and benefit from their wealth of experience helping improve businesses of all shapes and sizes.


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Warehouse Management / 4th edition

The Definitive Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse

2021 || Paperback || Gwynne Richards || Kogan Page Ltd || ook als eBook

Modern warehouses are capitalizing on cutting-edge technologies, new operating models and innovative practices to maximize their role in the wider supply chain. Understand how to successfully manage these warehouses with this bestselling guide. Warehouse Management guides the reader through all aspects of successfully managing a warehouse, its operations and distribution.

This bestselling book covers an extensive range of key topics from defining the modern warehouse, detailing management pro...

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Six Sigma + Lean Toolset / 2nd Edition

Mindset for Successful Implementation of Improvement Projects

2019 || Hardcover || Renata Meran e.a. || Springer

The current, second edition of this book reflects the 15 years of practical experience with the Six Sigma+Lean toolbox. It is a comprehensive collection of all the tools necessary for project work and running workshops when improving processes. All tools have been illustrated in a clear and comprehensible structure with examples and tips for applying the tools included.

The chronology corresponds to the procedure of an improvement project comprising the steps D(efine), M(easure), A(nalyze), I...

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Mastering the Circular Economy / 1st edition

A Practical Approach to the Circular Business Model Transformation

2021 || Paperback || Ed Weenk e.a. || Kogan Page Ltd

Explore how organizations can go from linear to circular business models with this experiential blend of relevant theory and practice.