Studieboeken (4)
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Research Methods for Business Students / 9th edition
2023 || Paperback || Mark Saunders e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Ranked as the most highly cited text in Business, Marketing, Accounting & Economics according to the Financial Times! The market-leading textbook that offers clear, robust and pragmatic guidance on your dissertation or research project. With over 500,000 copies sold, Research Methods for Business Students by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill is the definitive textbook for Business, Marketing, and Management students conducting a research-led project or dissertation. This fully revised 9th editio...
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Project Management / Druk 6
A practical Approach- English edition
2023 || Paperback || Grit Roel || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Project Management, A practical Approach is de Engelstalige editie van Projectmanagement.
- Verbeterde structuur en aandacht voor actuele onderwerpen als Scrum;
- zeer praktijkgerichte aanpak;
- website met flitscolleges, spreadsheetmodellen en checklists.
Project Management laat studenten op een unieke en laagdrempelige manier kennismaken met projectmatig werken om projecten succesvol aan te pakken. Niet alleen in het bedrijfsleven, ook in het onderwijs worden steeds meer werkzaamheden proje...
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Principles of Marketing / 19th Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Philip Kotler e.a. || Pearson
Master the key marketing challenges and see how you can develop meaningful connections with your customers. Principles of Marketing, global edition, 19th edition by Kotler and Armstrong shows you how to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers in today's fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace. Ideal for students who study marketing courses, this textbook offers a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of marketing within an innovative customer-val...
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance with MyLab / 5th Edition
MyLab Finance with eText
2023 || Paperback || Jonathan Berk e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate courses in corporate finance or financial management. Help students practice and connect to real-world financial decisionsFundamentals of Corporate Finance offers a practical introduction to modern-day core principles, arming students with a problem-solving methodology, real-life financial management practices, and an overarching valuation framework that they can apply in their future careers. Updated with new data, examples, and exercises, the 5th Edition gives students the...