
Engels (3)
Didactiek (2)
Macmillan (2)

Studieboeken (4)

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Hate U Give

2018 || Paperback || Angie Thomas || Walker Books

Movie tie-in edition of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller.

Now a major motion picture from Twentieth Century Fox, starring Amandla Stenberg

No. 1 New York Times bestseller

"A classic in the making." The Times

"Places a spotlight on Black Lives Matter." Stylist

"Passionate and uncompromising." The Observer

"A must-read." The Pool

"Outstanding." The Guardian

"Powerful." Metro

Read the book that inspired the movie! Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she wa...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Sound Foundations Pack New Edition

Learning and teaching pronunciation

2018 || Paperback || Adrian Underhill || Macmillan

Sound Foundations is an ideal introduction to the English phonological system and an invaluable resource both for teachers of full pronunciation courses and for those who sould ismply like to improve the quality of their work on pronunciation. It offers information on pronunciation systems as well as practical activities which can be used in pronunciation classes and in regular language lessons. The discovery approach means both you and your students learn through physically experiencing how ...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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Macmillan English Grammar In Context - Advanced with Key

2018 || Paperback || S. Clarke || Macmillan

The Student's Book takes students from the traditional practice of grammar forms through to topic-based practice exercises. Grammar is clearing presented and explained at each level with review sections assessing student understanding and providing extra practice. The CD-ROM contains a glossary, extra practice for each unit and printable tests.

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met 5% korting 33,20

De zes rollen van de leraar / Druk 1

Handboek voor effectief lesgeven

2018 || Paperback || Martie Slooter || Uitgeverij Pica || met inkijkexemplaar

Wat is een goede les? En wat doet een effectieve leraar?

In De zes rollen van de leraar beschrijft Martie Slooter wat leraren kunnen doen om leerlingen daadwerkelijk te laten leren. Ze beschrijft effectief lerarengedrag aan de hand van zes rollen:

* de gastheer;

* de presentator;

* de didacticus;

* de pedagoog;

* de afsluiter;

* de coach.

Dit boek is gebaseerd op de meest actuele, wetenschappelijke inzichten over hoe leerlingen tot leren komen. Slooter gaat niet alleen in op de basiskennis, -...