Studieboeken (12)
Forensic Taphonomy / 1st Edition
The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains
1996 || Hardcover || Marcella H. Sorg || Taylor & Francis
Links have been established between the study of death assemblages by archaeologists and paleontologists and the application of physical anthropology concepts to the medicolegal investigation of death. This title explains these links. It covers such topics as archaeological methods and techniques and chemical aspects of decomposition.
Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing / Légalité et autres exigences en matière de condamnation
2023 || Hardcover || Piet Hein van Kempen e.a. || Eleven international publishing
All over the world, governments impose punishments on their citizens for transgressions of the criminal law. Consensus exists that this sanctioning should be in accordance with the principle of legality and the rule of law. However, governments around the world struggle with providing foreseeability and non-arbitrariness in their sentencing systems. This continuous struggle raises the question how - and to what extent - foreseeability and non-arbitrariness must be guaranteed. Not only in rela...