
Engels (3)
Nederlands (2)

Studieboeken (5)

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met 5% korting 24,61

De wereld waarnemen / Druk 3

2003 || Paperback || Maurice Merleau-Ponty || Boom

De filosofische stroming waartoe Merleau-Ponty zich rekent, de fenomenologie, wil ons de wereld zoals wij die in de waarneming ervaren laten herontdekken. Deze wereld, die ons ogenschijnlijk zo vertrouwd is, verdween uit het zicht door de dominante invloed van het wetenschappelijke kennen op ons denken en onze cultuur. De kritiek daarop is niet een zaak van de filosofie alleen. In de moderne schilderkunst (C zanne, Picasso, Braque), dichtkunst (Mallarm , Val ry) en literatuur (Kafka, Claudel)...

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Kernthema's van de filosofie / Druk 4

2015 || Paperback || M. van Hees e.a. || Boom

Levertijd onbekend

The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy

2003 || Paperback || David Sedley || Cambridge University Press

The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy is a wide-ranging 2003 introduction to the study of philosophy in the ancient world. It will be an invaluable guide for all who are interested in the philosophical thought of this rich and formative period.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy

2003 || Paperback || A. S. McGrade || Cambridge University Press

The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Philosophy, first published in 2003, takes its readers into one of the most exciting periods in the history of philosophy. It spans a millennium of thought extending from Augustine to Thomas Aquinas and beyond. It includes not only the thinkers of the Latin West but also the profound contributions of Islamic and Jewish thinkers such as Avicenna and Maimonides.

Leading specialists examine what it was like to do philosophy in the cultures and institutions of ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Nineteenth Century

Routledge History of Philosophy Volume 7

2003 || Paperback || C.L. Ten || Taylor & Francis

This volume in the "Routledge History of Philosophy" series covers many of the most important philosophers and movements of the 19th century, including utilitarianism, positivism and pragmatism.