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International Human Rights Law and Practice / 4th Edition
2024 || Ilias Bantekas e.a. || Cambridge
Now in its fourth edition, Bantekas and Oette's textbook on international human rights law is the key text around the globe for both undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in law and other disciplines with a human rights dimension. It covers theoretical approaches to rights as well its practice, from grassroots activism to strategic litigation. In addition to classical topics of human rights, the book includes chapters on the interface between investment/trade and human rights, terrorism, ...
International Human Rights Law and Practice / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || Ilias Bantekas e.a. || Cambridge University Press
This unique textbook merges human rights law with its practice, from the courtroom to the battlefield. Human rights are analysed in their particular context, and the authors assess, among other things, the impact of international finance, the role of NGOs, and the protection of rights in times of emergency, including the challenges posed by counter-terrorism. In parallel, a series of interviews with practitioners, case studies and practical applications offer multiple perspectives and challen...