Studieboeken (5)
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Voyage planning with ECDIS
2018 || Paperback || Ralph Becker Heins || STC Publishing
Every year a considerable number of vessels is detained by Port State Control because of deficiency code 10127: Insuffience voyage or passage plan! Hence issues with voyage plans are counted among the top 5 claims. Just to have 'some' voyage plan turns out to be insufficient - the demand is to have a proper plan, compliant to rules. To compose a comprehensive voyage plan, however, a wide range of aspects has to be taken into account. Not only for a young graduate this might become a challenge...
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Voyage Planning with ECDIS
|| Ralph Becker-Heins || STC Publishing
A Practical Guide for Navigators:
Whether for a fresh navigator or an old hand – this book is targeted to provide a profound hands-on advice on how to best compile a suitable voyage plan fully in line with the principles of IMO Resolution A.893(21). Following a process-guided structure each chapter starts with a short re-compilation of the theoretical principals. Embattled with the reinforced knowledge the reader is challenged by a concrete example of a commercial vessel sailing down the Ea...
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ECDIS basics
2018 || Paperback || Ralph Becker Heins || STC Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
Practical hands-on knowledge in the operational use of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS). The guide gives an overview of the principles of ECDIS navigation.
Ship Manoeuvring
2018 || Paperback || Sjoerd Groenhuis || STC Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
Manoeuvreren is een zaak van veel doen: door ervaring zullen – soms zeer complexe – manoeuvres steeds soepeler verlopen. Dit neemt niet weg dat aan de vele handelingen theoretische kennis ten grondslag ligt. Kennis van krachtenleer, hydrodynamica of regelgeving zijn onontbeerlijk voor iedere zeevarende die manoeuvres moet uitvoeren. “Ship Manoeuvring” biedt deze theorie, maar weet deze te koppelen aan de dagelijkse praktijk: zo komen ankeren, sleepbootassistentie of passage van schepe...
Practical loading of merchant vessels
2022 || Paperback || Tom Abbenhues || STC Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar