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Project Management / Druk 6
A practical Approach- English edition
2023 || Paperback || Grit Roel || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Project Management, A practical Approach is de Engelstalige editie van Projectmanagement.
- Verbeterde structuur en aandacht voor actuele onderwerpen als Scrum;
- zeer praktijkgerichte aanpak;
- website met flitscolleges, spreadsheetmodellen en checklists.
Project Management laat studenten op een unieke en laagdrempelige manier kennismaken met projectmatig werken om projecten succesvol aan te pakken. Niet alleen in het bedrijfsleven, ook in het onderwijs worden steeds meer werkzaamheden proje...
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Intercultural Sensitivity / Druk 5
From denial to intercultural competence
2021 || Paperback || C. Nunez e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum || met inkijkexemplaar
Through internationalisation programmes, millions of students spend part of their studies at universities abroad every year. Lecturer mobility programmes are bringing international lecturers straight to local classrooms. With migration, labour mobility and student mobility, classrooms and lecture halls have grown more culturally diverse than ever before.
Intercultural Sensitivity gives students a head start in working with lecturers and fellow students, and to excel in their future internati...
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Doing research / Druk 6
2022 || Paperback || Nel Verhoeven || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.
Doing Research is a clear introduction to the methods and techniques required for research. It answers questions like: what does ‘doing research’ actually mean, how do you design a research project, what steps do you have to take, how do you collect data and what are the pitfalls?
Doing Research sheds light on the complicated process of research. It teaches you research skills one step at a time. It discus...
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design / 4th Edition
2018 || Paperback || Michael Ashby e.a. || Elsevier || ook als eBook
Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design is the essential materials engineering text and resource for students developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications. Taking a unique design-led approach that is broader in scope than other texts, Materials meets the curriculum needs of a wide variety of courses in the materials and design field, including introduction to materials science and engineering, engineering materials, mate...