Studieboeken (18)
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Business Model You / 2nd edition
The One-Page Way to Reinvent Your Work at Any Life Stage
2022 || Paperback || Tim Clark e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The all-new edition of the 4-color, global bestseller, Business Model You Many people dream of different careers or life paths, yet most lack a structured, practical way to reinvent themselves. The first edition of Business Model You pioneered a design-thinking approach to career reinvention. It used a single-page tool enabling readers to sketch a "personal business model" to reveal new, more satisfying career and life possibilities.
Published in 20 languages, the book has been used by hundre...
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Automotive Handbook / 11th edition
2022 || Hardcover || Robert Bosch GmbH || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The latest edition of the leading automotive engineering reference In the newly revised Eleventh Edition of the Bosch Automotive Handbook, a team of accomplished automotive experts delivers a comprehensive and authoritative resource for automotive engineers, designers, technicians, and students alike. Since 1936, the Bosch Automotive Handbook has been providing readers with of-the-moment coverage of the latest mechanical and research developments in automotive technology, from detailed techni...
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Physics / 12th edition
International Adaptation
2022 || Paperback || John D. Cutnell e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The newly revised Twelfth Edition of Cutnell's Physics delivers an effective and accessible introduction to college and university physics. It contains easy-to follow explanations of critical math and problem-solving concepts. From kinematics to work and energy, temperature, heat, electricity, magnetism and optics as well as foundational concepts in more advanced subjects like special relativity, Physics is the ideal introductory text for students from any background. The greatest strength of...
Financial Accounting / 5th edition
With International Financial Reporting Standards
2022 || Paperback || Jerry J. Weygandt e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
An essential and intuitive treatment of financial accounting with an international perspective The use of International Financial Reporting Standards is growing rapidly, both outside of the United States and within, especially as IFRS incorporates more US GAAP rules. In the newly updated fifth edition of Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, a team of accomplished financial practitioners and educators delivers the newest version of their highly anticipated tex...
Classical Sociological Theory
2022 || Paperback || Craig Calhoun e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A world-class introduction to the historical and continuing impact of classical theory on sociological debate
The latest edition of Classical Sociological Theory offers students a definitive guide to the theoretical foundations of sociology and the continuing impact of the ideas explored by early theorists, including Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, Simmel, Freud, Du Bois, Adorno, Marcuse, Parsons, and Merton. The prestigious editors have integrated several readings on the most influential theori...
Health Psychology / 10th Edition
Biopsychosocial Interactions
2022 || Paperback || Edward P. Sarafino e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Explore multiple disciplines to understand the impact of psychology on health, and vice versa In the newly revised 10th edition of Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions, a team of dedicated psychologists delivers an insightful and multidisciplinary demonstration of the impact of psychology and health on one another. Relying heavily on cross-cultural data, the book offers a sweeping and inclusive picture of health psychology and includes local and global research and case studies. Th...
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Applying IFRS Standards
2022 || Paperback || Ruth Picker e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The vision of the IFRS Foundation to establish a truly global language for accounting has now been
realised in 100+ of the world's jurisdictions and continues to generate public support from the G20 and major international organisations such as World Bank, IMF, Basel Committee, IOSCO and IFAC. The widespread adoption of the IFRS Standards has enabled greater fluency in international financial reporting and established a global understanding of accountancy practice in an increasingly internati...
Judgment and Decision Making
Psychological Perspectives
2022 || Paperback || David Hardman || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Judgment and Decision Making is a refreshingly accessible text that explores the wide variety of ways people make judgments. .
Project Management / 13th edition
A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling
2022 || Hardcover || Harold Kerzner || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
PROJECT MANAGEMENT THE NEWEST EDITION OF THE #1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT GUIDE FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS In the newly revised 13th Edition of Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, project management pioneer, leader, and educator Dr. Harold Kerzner delivers a comprehensive and intuitive approach to project management. Widely known as the bestselling "bible" of project management, this book aligns with the concepts and standards outlined in PMI's latest...
CompTIA A+ Complete Certification Kit / 5th edition
Exams 220-901 and 220-902
2022 || Paperback || Quentin Docter e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Study, practice, review-the Sybex way! Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, this CompTIA A+ Complete Certification Kit 5th Edition covers all the major changes to the NEW Core 1 220-1101 and Core 2 220-1102 exams. The kit provides the complete Study Guide covering 100% of the A+ exam objectives as well as Practice Tests and a Review Guide that contains clear and concise information on topics including crucial hardware and operating system maintenance, cloud computing, security,...