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Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

UML Distilled / 3rd edition

A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language

2003 || Paperback || Martin Fowler || Pearson || ook als eBook

More than 300,000 developers have benefited from past editions of UML Distilled . This third edition is the best resource for quick, no-nonsense insights into understanding and using UML 2.0 and prior versions of the UML. Some readers will want to quickly get up to speed with the UML 2.0 and learn the essentials of the UML.

Others will use this book as a handy, quick reference to the most common parts of the UML. The author delivers on both of these promises in a short, concise, and focused p...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Visualizing Physical Geography / 2nd edition

2012 || Paperback || Timothy Foresman e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

With its unique approach, Visualizing Physical Geography 2nd Edition captures the reader's attention and demonstrates why physical geography is relevant to them. It relies heavily on the integration of National Geographic and other visuals with narrative to explore key concepts. New emphasis is placed on environmental issues, such as climate change, overpopulation and deforestation, from a geographical perspective.

Readers will appreciate this approach because it vividly illustrates the inter...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Materials Selection in Mechanical Design / 5th edition

2016 || Paperback || Michael F. Ashby || Elsevier

Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Fifth Edition, winner of a 2018 Textbook Excellence Award (Texty), describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available. Extensively revised for this fifth edition, the book is recognized as one of the leading materials selection texts, providing a unique and innovative resource for st...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Optimization in Operations Research: Pearson New International Edition

2013 || Paperback || Ronald Rardin || Pearson

For first courses in operations research, operations management. Covers a broad range of optimization techniques, including linear programming, network flows, integer/combinational optimization, and nonlinear programming. Emphasizes the importance of modeling and problem formulation, this text teaches students how to apply algorithms to real-world problems to arrive at optimal solutions.