Studieboeken (9)
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Architecting the Cloud / 1st edition
Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS)
2014 || Hardcover || MJ Kavis || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
An expert guide to selecting the right cloud service model for your business Cloud computing is all the rage, allowing for the delivery of computing and storage capacity to a diverse community of end-recipients. However, before you can decide on a cloud model, you need to determine what the ideal cloud service model is for your business. Helping you cut through all the haze, Architecting the Cloud is vendor neutral and guides you in making one of the most critical technology decisions that yo...
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De kleine Prince 2 - Gids voor projectmanagement / Druk 7
Gids voor lenig projectmanagement
2021 || Hardcover || Mark van Onna e.a. || Boom
Projecten zijn tijdelijk en uniek en worden daardoor tijdens de uitvoering vaak minder goed beheersbaar. PRINCE brengt daar verandering in. Met deze zeer succesvolle projectmanagementmethode kan ieder project in elk vakgebied aangestuurd worden van de eerste aanloop tot en met de nazorg. In deze nieuwe editie is er aandacht voor het werken met Agile én PRINCE, die naadloos op elkaar aansluiten. Verder komt in De kleine Prince de complete levenscyclus van een project aan de orde en wordt all...
Information Dashboard Design / 2nd edition
2013 || Hardcover || Stephen Few || Analytics Press
A leader in the field of data visualization, Stephen Few exposes the common problems in dashboard design and describes its best practices in great detail and with a multitude of examples in this updated second edition. According to the author, dashboards have become a popular means to present critical information at a glance, yet few do so effectively. He purports that when designed well, dashboards engage the power of visual perception to communicate a dense collection of information efficie...
Fundamentals of Business Process Management / 2nd edition
2018 || Hardcover || M. Dumas e.a. || Springer
This textbook covers the entire Business Process Management (BPM) lifecycle, from process identification to process monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis, redesign and automation. Concepts, methods and tools from business management, computer science and industrial engineering are blended into one comprehensive and inter-disciplinary approach. The presentation is illustrated using the BPMN industry standard defined by the Object Management Group and widely endorsed by...
The Data Science Design Manual / 1st edition
2017 || Hardcover || Professor Steven S. Skiena || Springer || ook als eBook
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. The Data Science Design Manual is a source of practical insights that highlights what really matters in analyzing data, and provides an intuitive understanding of how these core...
Data Mining for Business Analytics
Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Python
2019 || Hardcover || Galit Shmueli e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Python presents an applied approach to data mining concepts and methods, using Python software for illustration Readers will learn how to implement a variety of popular data mining algorithms in Python (a free and open-source software) to tackle business problems and opportunities. This is the sixth version of this successful text, and the first using Python. It covers both statistical and machine learning algorithm...
Foundations of Software Testing / 4th edition
ISTQB Certification
2019 || Hardcover || Erik van Veenendaal || Cengage Learning
Now in its fourth edition, Foundations of Software Testing: ISTQB Certification is the essential guide to software testing and to the ISTQB Foundation qualification. Completely updated to comprehensively reflect the most recent changes to the 2018 ISTQB Foundation Syllabus, the book adopts a practical, hands-on approach, covering the fundamental topics that every system and software tester should know. The authors are themselves developers of the ISTQB syllabus and are highly respected intern...
Introduction to Algorithms / 4th edition
2022 || Hardcover || Thomas H. Cormen e.a. || MIT Press
A comprehensive update of the leading algorithms text, with new material on matchings in bipartite graphs, online algorithms, machine learning, and other topics.
Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and comprehensiveness. It covers a broad range of algorithms in depth, yet makes their design and analysis accessible to all levels of readers, with self-contained chapters and algor...
Real-Time Software Design for Embedded Systems
2016 || Hardcover || Hassan Gomaa || Cambridge University Press
This tutorial reference takes the reader from use cases to complete architectures for real-time embedded systems using SysML, UML, and MARTE and shows how to apply the COMET/RTE design method to real-world problems. The author covers key topics such as architectural patterns for distributed and hierarchical real-time control and other real-time software architectures, performance analysis of real-time designs using real-time scheduling, and timing analysis on single and multiple processor sys...