Studieboeken (6)
vandaag verzonden
Designing Your Life
How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life
2023 || Hardcover || Bill Burnett e.a. || Knopf Doubleday Publishing
The executive director of the Design Program at Stanford and the co-founder of Electronic Arts outline strategies for enabling a thriving life by incorporating "design thinking" habits that promote fulfillment and meaning by emulating the examples of the engineers of today's most popular technologies.
vandaag verzonden
Tiny Habits
The Small Changes That Change Everything
2022 || Paperback || BJ Fogg || HarperCollins
New York Times Bestseller | A habit expert from Stanford University shares his breakthrough method for building habits quickly and easily. With Tiny Habits youll increase productivity by tapping into positive emotions to create a happier and healthier life. Dr.
Foggs new and extremely practical method picks up where Atomic Habits left off.
There are many great books on the topic [of habits]: The Power of Habit, Atomic Habits, but this offers the most comprehensive, practical, simple, and comp...
Methods and Techniques for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators, and Students
2022 || Paperback || Tony Wigram || Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Improvisation plays a key role in the toolbox of the music therapist. This guide will prove indispensable to students/teachers/therapists/musicians as a book of musical techniques and therapeutic methods. Notated examples allow readers to try out techniques as they read, with audio examples on the accompanying downloadable content.
maandag verzonden
Psychology, Global Edition / 6th edition
2023 || Paperback || Saundra Ciccarelli e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Introductory Psychology Throughout Psychology, Saundra Ciccarelli and J. Noland White employ a learner-centred, assessment-driven approach that maximises student engagement, and helps educators keep students on track. The authors draw readers into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to students' own lives.
Clear learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, guide learners through the material. And assessment tied to these learni...
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life / 3rd Edition
Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships
2023 || Paperback || PhD Marshall B. Rosenberg || Puddle Dancer Press
What is Violent Communication? If "violent" means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate-judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who's "good/bad" or what's "right/wrong" with people-could indeed be called "violent communication." What is Nonviolent Communication?...
Concise Guide to APA Style / 7th edition
2019 || Ringband || American Psychological Association || American Psychological Association || ook als eBook
Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition is the official APA Style resource for students. Designed specifically for undergraduate writing, this easy-to-use pocket guide is adapted from the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. It provides complete guidance for new writers on effective, clear, and inclusive scholarly communication and the essentials of formatting papers and other course assignments.
New to This Edition: full color throughoutcon...