Studieboeken (6)
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Managing Across Cultures
The Seven Keys to Doing Business With a Global Mindset
2009 || Hardcover || Charlene Solomon e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Whether you run a giant corporation or workin a small business, it's more than likely thatyou regularly deal with people of differentcultures-from customers and suppliers tosalespeople and colleagues. It simply can't be overstated: You will havetrouble succeeding in business today if youdon't appreciate and know how to activelymanage global cultural diversity. ManagingAcross Cultures examines why people aroundthe world behave as they do and providesactionable tactics for succeeding in today's...
Airport Operations / 3rd edition
2012 || Hardcover || Norman Ashford e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. THE MOST COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE GUIDE TO THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF AIRPORTSFully revised for the latest FAA, ICAO, and IATA standards and regulations, Airport Operations, Third Edition, provides proven strategies and best practices for efficiently managing airport functions. This in-depth resource offer...
Content Inc. / 2nd Edition
Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with Little to No Money)
2022 || Hardcover || Joe Pulizzi || McGraw-Hill
Updated for the post-COVID economy! The proven low-risk, cost-effective way to launch a successful business Today's markets are getting more and more dynamic, and customers are increasingly fickle. Meanwhile the COVID-driven economic crash has made mitigating financial risk more important than ever. From one of today's leading experts in content marketing, Content Inc.
is the go-to guide to building a solid small-business by establishing a loyal audience before you sell any products or servic...
The Toyota Way / 2nd Edition
14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer
2020 || Hardcover || Jeffrey Liker || McGraw-Hill
The bestselling guide to Toyota's legendary philosophy and production system-updated with important new frameworks for driving innovation and quality in your business. One of the most impactful business guides published in the 21st Century, The Toyota Way played an outsized role in launching the continuous-improvement movement that continues unabated today. Multiple Shingo Award-winning management and operations expert Jeffrey K. Liker provides a deep dive into Toyota's world-changing process...
HR from the Outside In
Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
2012 || Hardcover || David Ulrich e.a. || McGraw-Hill
A must read for any HR executive. This research-based competency model is particularly compelling because it is informed by the perspective of non-HR executives and stakeholders.
The New Gold Standard / 1st edition
5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
2008 || Hardcover || PhD Joseph Michelli || McGraw-Hill
Discover the secrets of world-class leadership!When it comes to refined service and exquisite hospitality, one name stands high above the rest: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. With ceaseless attention to every luxurious detail, the company has set the bar for creating memorable customer experiences in world-class settings. Now, for the first time, the leadership secrets behind the company's extraordinary success are revealed.
The New Gold Standard takes you on an exclusive tour behind the sce...