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Studieboeken (313)
The Internet of Things / 1st edition
2020 || Paperback || G Meikle || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
More objects and devices are connected to digital networks than ever before. Things - from your phone to your car, from the heating to the lights in your house - have gathered the ability to sense their environments and create information about what is happening. Things have become media, able to both generate and communicate information.
This has become known as 'the internet of things'. In this accessible introduction, Graham Meikle and Mercedes Bunz observe its promises of convenience and ...
Distributed Leadership / 1st edition
2006 || Paperback || James P. Spillane || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
James Spillane, the leading expert in Distributed Leadership, shows how leadership happens in everyday practices in schools, through formal routines and informal interactions. He examines the distribution of leadership among administrators, specialists, and teachers in the school, and explains the ways in which leadership practice is stretched over leaders, followers, and aspects of the situation, including routines and tools of various sorts in the organization such as memos, scheduling proc...
Rituals for Work
50 Ways to Create Engagement, Shared Purpose, and a Culture that Can Adapt to Change
2019 || Paperback || Kursat Ozenc e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Experience the transformative power of creative rituals in the workplace Rituals for Work shows us how creative rituals can make our personal and business lives more meaningful and rewarding. Rituals are powerful tools: they reinforce good habits, motivate personal and professional achievement, create a common bond between co-workers and build shared values; they can transform an organization's culture and provide a foundation to achieve common goals. Focusing on real-world examples, this boo...
Everybody Writes / 2nd edition
Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
2022 || Hardcover || Ann Handley || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A hands-on field guide to consistently creating page-turning content that your audience loves. (And that delivers real results.)
In the newly revised and updated edition of Everybody Writes, marketer and author Ann Handley improves on her Wall Street Journal bestselling book that's helped hundreds of thousands become better, more confident writers.
In this brand-new edition, she delivers all the practical, how-to advice and insight you need for the process and strategy of content creation, pr...
The Future of Work / 1st edition
Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization
2022 || Hardcover || J Morgan || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Throughout the history of business employees had to adapt to managers and managers had to adapt to organizations. In the future this is reversed with managers and organizations adapting to employees. This means that in order to succeed and thrive organizations must rethink and challenge everything they know about work.
The demographics of employees are changing and so are employee expectations, values, attitudes, and styles of working. Conventional management models must be replaced with lead...
Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
2009 || Hardcover || Geoffrey Alan Lawrance || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
At the heart of coordination chemistry lies the coordinate bond, in its simplest sense arising from donation of a pair of electrons from a donor atom to an empty orbital on a central metalloid or metal. Metals overwhelmingly exist as their cations, but these are rarely met ‘naked’ – they are clothed in an array of other atoms, molecules or ions that involve coordinate covalent bonds (hence the name coordination compounds). These metal ion complexes are ubiquitous in nature, and are cent...
Financial Risk Forecasting / 1st edition
The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab
2011 || Hardcover || Jon Danielsson || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Financial Risk Forecasting is a complete introduction to practical quantitative risk management, with a focus on market risk. Derived from the authors teaching notes and years spent training practitioners in risk management techniques, it brings together the three key disciplines of finance, statistics and modeling (programming), to provide a thorough grounding in risk management techniques. Written by renowned risk expert Jon Danielsson, the book begins with an introduction to financial mark...
Introduction to Chemical Engineering / 5th edition
Tools for Today and Tomorrow
2010 || Paperback || Kenneth A. Solen e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This concise book is a broad and highly motivational introduction for first-year engineering students to the exciting of field of chemical engineering. The material in the text is meant to precede the traditional second-year topics. It provides students with, 1) materials to assist them in deciding whether to major in chemical engineering; and 2) help for future chemical engineering majors to recognize in later courses the connections between advanced topics and relationships to the whole dis...
Making Sense of the Organization
2000 || Paperback || K Weick || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This volume brings together the best--known and most influential articles on sensemaking in organizations by one of its most distinguished exponents, Karl Weick. * Brings together the best most influential articles written by one of the gurus of sensemaking -- Karl Weick.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible
2012 || Paperback || Adam Jorgensen e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is the most significant update to this product since 2005, and it may change how database administrators and developers perform many aspects of their jobs. If you're a database administrator or developer, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible teaches you everything you need to take full advantage of this major release. This detailed guide not only covers all the new features of SQL Server 2012, it also shows you step by step how to develop top-notch SQL Server databases an...