Studieboeken (24)
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Le gone du Chaaba
2022 || Paperback || Begag Azouz e.a. || Seuil
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Green Grass, Running Water
2022 || Paperback || Thomas King || Bantam Doubleday
Strong, Sassy women and hard-luck hardheaded men, all searching for the middle ground between Native American tradition and the modern world, perform an elaborate dance of approach and avoidance in this magical, rollicking tale by Cherokee author Thomas King. Alberta is a university professor who would like to trade her two boyfriends for a baby but no husband; Lionel is forty and still sells televisions for a patronizing boss; Eli and his log cabin stand in the way of a profitable dam proje...
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The Thing Around Your Neck
2009 || Paperback || Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie || HarperCollins
From the Orange Prize-winning author of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' come twelve dazzling stories that turn a penetrating eye on the ties that bind men and women, parents and children, Nigeria and the West.
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The Bottle Factory Outing
50th Anniversary Edition
2023 || Paperback || Beryl Bainbridge || Little, Brown Book Group
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize Named 'one of the greatest novels of all time' by the ObserverWith a new introduction by Amanda CraigFreda and Brenda are friends spending their days in an Italian-run wine-bottling factory in North London. When a works outing materialises it offers promise for Freda, but terror for Brenda. Unexpected passions run high on the chilly day of liberty and their lives are never the same again.
Beryl Bainbridge dazzles readers in this offbeat, haunting yet hilarious...
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Mrs Dalloway
2021 || Paperback || Virginia Woolf || Wordsworth Editions Ltd
With an Introduction and Notes by Merry M. Pawlowski, Professor and Chair, Department of English, California State University,Bakersfield. Virginia Woolf's singular technique in Mrs Dalloway heralds a break with the traditional novel form and reflects a genuine humanity and a concern with the experiences that both enrich and stultify existence.
Society hostess, Clarissa Dalloway is giving a party. Her thoughts and sensations on that one day, and the interior monologues of others whose lives a...
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Things Fall Apart
2006 || Paperback || Chinua Achebe || Penguin
Okonowo is the greatest warrior alive. His fame has spread like a bushfire in West Africa and he is one of the most powerful men of his clan.But he also has a fiery temper. Determined not to be like his father, he refuses to show weakness to anyone - even if the only way he can master his feelings is with his fists.
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How to Survive Everything
2021 || Paperback || Ewan Morrison || Saraband
"One of the most provocative, intelligent and original novelists working in Britain today." Irvine Welsh. My dad taught us to be prepared for whatever was coming. He said we should know the facts about how long we could survive without food, water or fresh air, and to remember that we couldn't live at all without hope.
It was better, he said, to be ahead of the game. Better to be ten years too early than one minute too late. That's why he did what he did, on that morning ...
Inspired by her f...
Les petits enfants du siecle
1971 || Paperback || Christiane Rochefort || Livre de Poche
Jo de Bagnolet « est née des allocations et d’un jour férié dont la matinée s’étirait, bienheureuse ». Dix enfants vont suivre, apportant en prime à leurs parents la machine à laver, le Frigidaire, la télé, la voiture et le prix Cognac ! Josyane les élèvera tous. Ses seules distractions : les courses et ses devoirs le soir sur la table de la cuisine. Ses seuls amis, Nicolas, le petit frère qui comprend tout, et Guido, le maçon italien, né sur les collines. L’amour de Gui...
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Handboek voeding
2019 || Paperback || Ann Meulemans e.a. || Acco
In het 'Handboek voeding' krijg je een uitgebreid overzicht van de basisconcepten en principes van humane voedingsleer. In elk deel van het boek komt telkens een andere nutriënt van voeding aan bod.
Het eerste deel van het boek start met de algemene aspecten van de voedingsleer. Daarna wordt er dieper ingegaan op de verschillende macronutriënten, zoals lipiden en proteïnen en de verschillende micronutriënten, zoals vitaminen en mineralen. Bioactieve stoffen - stoffen in onze voeding waarv...
Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire
2015 || Paperback || Jean Jacques Rousseau || Livre de poche
Lorsqu'il commence à écrire les Rêveries à l'automne 1776, Rousseau est un vieil homme proche de la mort, presque pauvre, célèbre dans toute l'Europe et pourtant assuré que l'espèce humaine le rejette. Il continue cependant d'écrire et les Rêveries sont à ses yeux la suite des Confessions. Mais il ne s'agit plus désormais de raconter sa vie ni de s'expliquer aux autres pour dévoiler sa vraie nature. Dans une solitude propice à l'introspection, si des souvenirs épars remontent m...