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Hotel Design, Planning and Development / 2nd edition
2012 || Hardcover || Richard H. Penner e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Hotel Design, Planning and Development presents the most significant hotels developed internationally in the last ten years so that you can be well-informed of recent trends. The book outlines essential planning and design considerations based on the latest data, supported by technical information and illustrations, including original plans, so you can really study what works. The authors provide analysis and theory to support each of the major trends they present, highlighting how the design...
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Laurent-Benoît Dewez (1732–1812), Architect in the Age of Enlightenment
Designing for Government, Church and Court in the Southern Low Countries
2025 || Hardcover || Dirk Van de Vijver || Leuven University Press
Laurent-Benoît Dewez (1731-1812), court architect to Charles of Lorraine, was the most outstanding architect of his time in the Southern Low Countries. After studying in Italy and serving in the eminent office of Robert Adam in London, Dewez developed a personal, classical style that came to embody the “Eglise Belgique” under the Austrian Habsburgs. He designed numerous castles, abbeys, and churches across Belgium, but time has not been kind to his legacy: of his 80 architectural project...
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Town Planning in the Netherlands since 1800
responses to enlightenment ideas and geopolitical realities
2015 || Hardcover || Cor Wagenaar || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Dit overzicht van stedenbouw in Nederland, bij verschijnen al een klassieker, is nu weer beschikbaar. Het laat zien hoe de Nederlanders vanaf het einde van de achttiende eeuw de steden. De op water gebaseerde infrastructuur werd vervangen door een uitgebreid spoorwegennetwerk en later door snelwegen. Het platteland werd geherstructureerd om zo de landbouwproductie op te voeren en vervolgens herontwikkeld tot ruimte voor suburbane agglomeratie.Deze publicatie is een bloemlezing van plannen, en...
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Taiwan Strait
Conscious City Incubator
2024 || Hardcover || Raoul Bunschoten || Jap Sam Books
The Taiwan Strait is a liminal space, and a natural incubator. These two conditions create a unique opportunity for implementing a future city-making process.
The Conscious City concept brings together all the challenges facing contemporary city-making. It is a concept for the urban curation processes required for future cities; for adapting to the impacts of climate change, emerging intelligences, a growing population, affordable housing, the need for a new pact with nature, as well as navi...
Basics Urban Building Blocks
2021 || Hardcover || Thorsten Burklin e.a. || Birkhauser Verlag AG