Geen verdere filters gevondenStudieboeken (2)
Brown's Introduction to Organic Chemistry / 6th edition
2017 || Paperback || William H. Jr. Brown e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6th Global Edition provides an introduction to organic chemistry for students who require the fundamentals of organic chemistry as a requirement for their major. It is most suited for a one semester organic chemistry course. In an attempt to highlight the relevance of the material to students, the authors place a strong emphasis on showing the interrelationship between organic chemistry and other areas of science, particularly the biological and health scien...
Organic Structures from Spectra / 6th edition
2020 || Paperback || L.D. Field e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The derivation of structural information from spectroscopic data is now an integral part of organic chemistry courses at all Universities. A critical part of any such course is a suitable set of problems to develop the students' understanding of how organic structures are determined from spectra. The book builds on the very successful teaching philosophy of learning by hands-on problem solving; carefully graded examples build confidence and develop and consolidate a student's understanding of...