Studieboeken (11)
maandag verzonden
Contact Lens Complications / 4th Edition
2018 || Hardcover || Nathan Efron || Elsevier
In this thoroughly updated fourth edition, award-winning contact lens author, lecturer, and researcher, Professor Nathan Efron, presents an easily accessible, systematic account of how to identify, understand, and manage contact lens complications. Professor Efron is renowned for his ability to distil often-complex principles of ocular physiology and pathology into a clinically-friendly format. The subject matter is arranged logically by tissue structure - which is the way practitioners natur...
Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing / 10th edition
Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing
2018 || Hardcover || Marybeth Brown e.a. || Elsevier || ook als eBook
A practical handbook on evaluating muscular strength and function, Daniels and Worthingham's Muscle Testing: Techniques of Manual Examination and Performance Testing, 10th Edition helps you to understand and master procedures in manual muscle testing and performance testing. Clear, illustrated instructions provide a guide to patient positioning, direction of motion, and direction of resistance. In addition to muscle testing of normal individuals and others with weakness or paralysis, this edi...
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques / 8th edition
2018 || Hardcover || S Kim Suvarna e.a. || Elsevier
For 40 years, Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques has established itself as the standard reference for histotechnologists and laboratory scientists, as well as histopathologists. With coverage of the full range of histological techniques used in medical laboratories and pathology departments, it provides a strong foundation in all aspects of histological technology - from basic methods of section preparation and staining, to advanced diagnostic techniques such as immunoc...
Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology / 6th edition
2018 || Paperback || Richard Goering e.a. || Elsevier
Learn all the microbiology and basic immunology concepts you need to know for your courses and exams. Now fully revised and updated, Mims' clinically relevant, systems-based approach and abundant colour illustrations make this complex subject easy to understand and remember. Learn about infections in the context of major body systems and understand why these are environments in which microbes can establish themselves, flourish, and give rise to pathologic changes.
This systems-based approach ...
Head and Neck Pathology / 3th edition
A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
2018 || Hardcover || Lester Thompson e.a. || Elsevier
An essential foundation text for residents and pathologists, the third edition of Head and Neck Pathology, a volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, has been fully revised to include recent advances in the field. Featuring a highly templated, easy-to-use format and new information throughout, this practical, affordable resource by Drs. Lester D.
R. Thompson and Justin A. Bishop is ideal for study and review as well as everyday clinical practice.
Inclusion of a wide range of ...
Brody's Human Pharmacology / 6th edition
Mechanism-Based Therapeutics
2018 || Paperback || Lynn Wecker || Elsevier
Focusing on the essential aspects of pharmacology you need to know, Brody's Human Pharmacology, 6th Edition, keeps you fully up to date with all that's new in the field. Streamlined content, a new organizational approach, enhanced online components, and thoroughly updated information ensure your grasp of key concepts and prepare you for exams. Nearly 500 full-color illustrations explain important processes, while color-coded boxes for major drugs, therapeutic overviews, clinical problems, and...
Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology / 7th edition
2018 || Paperback || Laura Nabarro e.a. || Elsevier
Newly organized and featuring new editors and hundreds of new images, Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Seventh Edition, brings you up to date with today's greatest challenges in tropical medicine. Increased global travel, climate change, human conflict, short-term/large-scale human assemblies, potent therapeutic agents, drug resistance, and vaccine misinformation have contributed to a greatly changed landscape in this complex field. This practical, highly visual guide prov...
Roberts and Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care / 7th edition
2018 || Hardcover || James R. Roberts || Elsevier
Comprehensive, detailed, and up to date, Roberts and & Hedges' Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine and Acute Care, 7th Edition, provides highly visual coverage of both common and uncommon procedures encountered in emergency medicine and acute care practice. It clearly describes the ins and outs of every procedure you're likely to consider, such as how, why, when to, and when not to perform them, and recommends other emergency or acute care procedures that may be an option. Thoroughly re...
Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis / 3rd edition
A Book of Lists
2018 || Paperback || North Carolina.) Brevard DABVP(Canine and Feline) (Brevard Animal Hospital DVM Mark Thompson || Elsevier
Get instant access to the critical data you need to make accurate diagnoses and effectively plan treatment. Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis, 3rd Edition combines over 400 expert resources and boils them down into one easy-to-use reference covering the differential diagnosis, etiology, clinical signs, and relevant laboratory abnormalities of the most common conditions you will encounter in dogs and cats. And because of its pocket size and intuitive organization, you can have it on ...
Netter's Neuroscience Coloring Book
2018 || Paperback || David L. Felten e.a. || Elsevier
Reinforce your knowledge of neuroanatomy, neuroscience, and common pathologies of the nervous system with this active and engaging learn and review tool! Netter's Neuroscience Coloring Book by Drs. David L. Felten and Mary Summo Maida, challenges you to a better understanding of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system using visual and tactile learning.
It's a fun and interactive way to trace pathways and tracts, as well as reinforce spatial, functional, and clinical concepts in ...