Geen verdere filters gevondenStudieboeken (2)
Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry:
A Textbook
2018 || Hardback || Kurt Faber || Springer
This well-established textbook on biocatalysis provides a basis for undergraduate and graduate courses in modern organic chemistry, as well as a condensed introduction into this field. After a basic introduction into the use of biocatalysts—principles of stereoselective transformations, enzyme properties and kinetics—the different types of reactions are explained according to the 'reaction principle', such as hydrolysis, reduction, oxidation, C–C bond formation, etc. Special techniques,...
Freshney's Culture of Animal Cells
A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications
2021 || Hardback || R.Ian Freshney || Wiley
FRESHNEYS CULTURE OF ANIMAL CELLS THE NEW EDITION OF THE LEADING TEXT ON THE BASIC METHODOLOGY OF CELL CULTURE, FULLY UPDATED TO REFLECT NEW APPLICATIONS INCLUDING IPSCS, CRISPR, AND ORGAN-ON-CHIP TECHNOLOGIES Freshney’s Culture of Animal Cells is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the principles, techniques, equipment, and applications in the field of cell and tissue culture. Explaining both how to do tissue culture and why a technique is done in a particular way, this ...