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Studieboeken (65)
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Handboek voor elke mentor / Druk 19
2005 || Paperback || Maya Bakker - de Jong e.a. || Quirijn || met inkijkexemplaar
Vanaf 2005 zijn er al meer dan 33.000 exemplaren van Handboek Voor elke mentor verkocht. De auteurs hebben in 2014 hard gewerkt aan het updaten van dit zeer gewaardeerde boek. Vanaf de veertiende, herziene druk van het handboek Voor elke mentor heb je een boek in handen dat is aangepast aan de laatste ontwikkelingen. Passend Onderwijs, social media, hoogsensitieve leerlingen, KIVA en de nieuwste inzichten op het gebied van mentoraat krijgen vanaf deze druk uitgebreid aandacht.
Wat niet verand...
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Dialogue Mapping
Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems
2005 || Paperback || Jeffrey Conklin || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In contrast to the use of agendas and restrictive structures, dialogue mapping is a facilitation technique that allows the intelligence and learning of the group to emerge naturally. Each participant can see how their comments contribute (or don't) to the coherence and order of the group's thinking. The first full-length book to bring dialogue mapping to a wider audience, Dialogue Mapping provides an exciting new conceptual framework that will change the way readers view projects and project ...
Introduction to Statistics for Forensic Scientists / 1st edition
2023 || Paperback || David Lucy || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Introduction to Statistics for Forensic Scientists is an essential introduction to the subject, gently guiding the reader through the key statistical techniques used to evaluate various types of forensic evidence. Assuming only a modest mathematical background, the book uses real-life examples from the forensic science literature and forensic case-work to illustrate relevant statistical concepts and methods. Opening with a brief overview of the history and use of statistics within forensic sc...
Nutritional Neuroscience
2005 || Hardcover || Harris R. Lieberman e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Scientific and commercial interest in the field of nutritional neuroscience has grown immensely over the last decade. Today, a broad range of dietary supplements, foods for weight loss, functional foods, nutraceuticals, and medical foods are widely available. Many of these products are marketed for their effects on behavior or brain function, which relates directly to nutritional neuroscience and raises issues regarding their safety and efficacy.
The only comprehensive reference on this subje...
Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism
2005 || Paperback || Donald S. Lopez Jr. || The University of Chicago Press
Through incisive discussions of topics ranging from practice, power, and pedagogy to ritual, history, sex, and death, the authors offer new directions for the understanding of Buddhism, taking constructive and sometimes polemical positions in an effort both to demonstrate the shortcomings of assumptions about the religion and the potential.
The Myth of Sisyphus
2005 || Paperback || Albert Camus || Penguin
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution.
They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Inspired by the myth of a man condemned to ceaselessly push a ro...
Corporate Social Responsibility / 1st edition
Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause
2005 || Hardcover || Philip Kotler e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
In today's world, it is no longer just acceptable that a corporation does well by doing good. It is expected. With increasing pressures to improve the bottom line as well as to be good corporate citizens, business leaders face tough decisions. What social issues should we support? What charities will make strong partners? What initiatives should we develop that will do the most good for the company as well as the cause? Do we just write a check, incorporate social messages in our advertising,...
The Human Bone Manual
2005 || Paperback || Tim D. White e.a. || Elsevier
Building on the success of their previous book, White and Folkens' The Human Bone Manual is intended for use outside the laboratory and classroom, by professional forensic scientists, anthropologists and researchers. The compact volume includes all the key information needed for identification purposes, including hundreds of photographs designed to show a maximum amount of anatomical information.
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Groot Woordenboek Papiaments-Nederlands
2005 || Hardcover || F. van Putte e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
Dit Groot Woordenboek Papiaments-Nederlands gaat uit van voornamelijk hedendaags Papiaments zoals het gesproken en geschreven wordt op Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao. Het is gebaseerd op een groot ‘corpus’ van gesproken taal en van letterkundige en niet-letterkundige teksten. Door zijn praktische en functionele opzet en vormgeving is het ook zeer geschikt voor het onderwijs van het Papiaments en Nederlands aan moedertaalsprekers van het Papiaments en voor het onderwijs van het Papiaments aan ...
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Übungsbuch Deutsch Grammatik / druk 1
2005 || Paperback || A.P. ten Cate e.a. || Coutinho
Met het verschijnen van de eerste druk van de Deutsche Grammatik ontstond al direct de behoefte aan oefenmateriaal dat de grammatica die in het boek gepresenteerd wordt, op de voet volgt. Dit nieuwe Übungsbuch voorziet in die behoefte. Het bevat uitdagende oefeningen waarin zeer eigentijdse en relevante teksten worden gebruikt.