Geen verdere filters gevondenStudieboeken (2)
Modern Philosophy
An Anthology of Primary Sources
2019 || Paperback || Roger Ariew || Hackett Publishing
The most widely read anthology for the study of modern philosophy, this volume provides key works of philosophers and other leading thinkers of the period, chosen to enhance the reader's understanding of modern philosophy and its relationship to the natural sciences of the time. The third edition incorporates important contributions of women and minority thinkers into the canon of the modern period, while retaining all of the material of the previous edition. Included are works by Princess El...
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy
2011 || Paperback || Bryan W. Van Norden || Hackett Publishing
This book is an introduction in the very best sense of the word. It provides the beginner with an accurate, sophisticated, yet accessible account, and offers new insights and challenging perspectives to those who have more specialized knowledge. Focusing on the period in Chinese philosophy that is surely most easily approachable and perhaps is most important, it ranges over of rich set of competing options.
It also, with admirable self-consciousness, presents a number of daring attempts to re...