Studieboeken (7)
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Doing Research in the Business World / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || David E Gray || SAGE
Starting with the basics and fully grounded in the context of actually doing research, this practical book is the perfect companion as students tackle a business research project head on for the first time. Guiding readers through the research process in author David E. Gray's approachable style, the book helps them build their understanding and develop the skills they need to establish good practice when planning and doing research in the business world.
This second edition offers:* A key fo...
Begroten, offreren, werkplanning maken / Druk 2
Incl. digitale module
2019 || Paperback || De Groene Wereld
TWEEDE DRUK Met een verbeterde opzet, meer aandacht voor de actualiteit en beroepspraktijk, toetsen en meer!
Het opstellen van begrotingen, offertes, calculaties en werkplanningen is een essentieel onderdeel van het werk in de groene ruimte. Heel belangrijk dus om deze lastige materie goed onder de knie te krijgen en je eigen te maken. In deze module leer je wat een begroting is, waarom je een begroting op moet stellen en hoe je deze op moet stellen. Zo heb je onder meer te maken met arbeids...
An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research / 3rd edition
2024 || Paperback || Stacks || Taylor & Francis
This new edition provides a comprehensive overview of current theory and research written by the top theorists and researchers in each area. It has been updated to address the growing influence of technology, changing relationships, and several growing integrated approaches to communication and includes seven new chapters on:¦ Digital Media¦ Media Effects¦ Privacy¦ Dark Side¦ Applied Communication¦ Relational Communication¦ Instructional Communication¦ Communication and the LawThe boo...
maandag verzonden
Jubileum boek Service Management
van de professionele schoonmaak
2019 || Hardcover || Henk Hogewoning || Vakmedianet
Veertig jaar Service Management is veertig jaar inhoud over verleden, heden en toekomst van de professionele schoonmaak.
Dat is dan ook precies waar dit boek over gaat.
Waar komen we vandaan, hoe zitten we in elkaar en wat mogen we verwachten? Waarbij het verrassend is om te zien hoe grote schoonmaakbedrijven ooit ook zijn begonnen als eenmanszaak met een emmer, een ladder en het nodige sop. En dat het mkb nog steeds dé motor van de schoonmaakbranche is. Maar er komt meer voorbij in dit un...
Understanding Syntax / 5th edition
2019 || Paperback || Tallerman || Taylor & Francis
Assuming no prior grammatical knowledge, Understanding Syntax explains and illustrates the major concepts, categories and terminology involved in the study of cross-linguistic syntax. Taking a theory-neutral and descriptive viewpoint throughout, this book: introduces syntactic typology, syntactic description and the major typological categories found in the languages of the world; clarifies with examples grammatical constructions and relationships between words in a clause, including word cla...
Cross-Cultural Management
With Insights from Brain Science
2019 || Paperback || Nguyen-Phuong-Mai || Taylor & Francis
Cross-Cultural Management: With Insights from Brain Science explores a broad range of topics on the impact of culture in international business and vice versa, and the impact of businesses and individuals in shaping a culture. It provides critical and in-depth information on globalization, global/glocal leadership, cross-cultural marketing, and cross-cultural negotiation. It also discusses many other topics that are not typically found in the mainstream management textbooks such as diversity ...
Analyzing Media Messages / 4th edition
Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research
2019 || Paperback || Riffe || Taylor & Francis
Analyzing Media Messages, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive guide to conducting content analysis research. It establishes a formal definition of quantitative content analysis; gives step-by-step instructions on designing a content analysis study; and explores in depth several recurring questions that arise in such areas as measurement, sampling, reliability, data analysis, and the use of digital technology in the content analysis process. The fourth edition maintains the concise, access...