Studieboeken (3)
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Not for HR
Because inclusion is teamwork
2023 || Paperback || Wendy Broersen || Vakmedianet
This book is about action. We talk enough about diversity and inclusion, but how do you step-by-step progress towards a sustainably diverse and inclusive organization? What do you do at each moment to get everyone on board? Perfect for beginners, but certainly also for advanced individuals who will gain a clear understanding of the stages of inclusion, whom you need, and what you should do in each phase to create an inclusive organizational culture.
Concrete answers to the above (...
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Reimagine Teams
2023 || Paperback || Frank Brilman || Vakmedianet
Traditionele teamontwikkeling werkt al tientallen jaren niet meer. Reimagine Teams legt uit waarom niet en biedt een heldere roadmap om teams te bouwen waarmee u wél zakelijke doorbraakresultaten kunt halen. U leert aan de hand van een groot aantal casestudies hoe teams uit de hele wereld een zakelijke transformatie en cultuurverandering tot stand hebben weten te brengen – en dat in slechts drie tot zes maanden!
Reimagine Teams leert u hoe u accountable kunt zijn en doelen kunt bereiken, e...
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Your life has a meaning
81 reminders that will inspire you and broaden your way of thinking
2023 || Paperback || Kevin Yoka || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
This book is a collection of 81 inspiring and thought-provoking reminders, written by Kevin
Yoka. Kevin Yoka is a Belgian writer and storyteller. Who studied at the university of Ku Leuven.
In this book he shares some valuable lessons and inspiring reminders he has learned
throughout his journey at Ku Leuven.
Learned lessons about friendship, love and mental
wellness, through kindness and empathy.
One thing is sure. After reading this book, you will be inspired and know that nothing in your