Studieboeken (7)
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An Introduction to Community Development / 2nd Edition
2014 || Paperback || Rhonda Phillips e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Beginning with the foundations of community development, An Introduction to Community Development offers a comprehensive and practical approach to planning for communities. Road-tested in the authors' own teaching, and through the training they provide for practicing planners, it enables students to begin making connections between academic study and practical know-how from both private and public sector contexts. An Introduction to Community Development shows how planners can utilize local e...
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Basisboek Ruimtelijke Ordening en Planologie / Druk 3
2022 || Hardcover || Barbara van Schijndel || Noordhoff || ook als eBook
De enige complete inleiding in het vakgebied Ruimtelijke Ordening en Planologie voor het hbo;
stimuleert studenten om zelf na te denken over omgevingsvraagstukken;
bevat veel casussen, opdrachten en oefeningen.
Basisboek Ruimtelijke Ordening en Planologie gaat over onze leefomgeving en hoe deze tot stand komt en tot stand gekomen is. Het boek geeft uitleg over de veel voorkomende typen ruimtegebruik in verschillende omgevingsgebieden en is bedoeld als inleiding op het vakgebied. De belangrijk...
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Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de ruimtelijke planvorming / Druk 5
Methoden voor analyse, visievorming en ontwerp
2022 || Hardcover || Dick van Dorp e.a. || Uitgeverij Landwerk, Wageningen
Ruimtelijke planvormers zoeken naar oplossingen voor ruimtelijke vraagstukken. Vaak ligt de nadruk op de oplossing, maar geen oplossing zonder gedegen onderzoek. De uitgave ‘Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de ruimtelijke planvorming’ biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van beschikbare onderzoeksmethoden in de verschillende fasen van de planvorming.
Onder redactie van Wim Simons en Dick van Dorp van hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein schrijven experts in het vakgebied over diverse methoden van onderzo...
Open(ing) Spaces
Design as Landscape Architecture
2014 || Hardcover || Hans Loidl e.a. || Birkhauser
"What does the landscape architect actually do as a design?" The authors investigate this seemingly simple question. What resources are available for designing open spaces? What part is played by conditions deriving from nature? How are locations and spaces created in the open air, how are paths routed and boundaries set, how are hard and soft materials used? Drawing on practical and theoretical experience, this introduction, often used as a textbook, reveals the central components of design ...
Light Rail Transit Systems
61 Lessons in Sustainable Urban Development
2018 || Paperback || Rob van Der Bijl e.a. || Elsevier
Light Rail Transit Systems: 61 Lessons in Sustainable Urban Development shows how to design and operate light rail to maximize its social benefits. Readers will learn how to understand the value of light rail and tactics on its effective integration into communities. It uses strong supporting evidence and theory drawn from the author's team and their extensive experience in developing new light rail systems.
The book uses numerous case studies to demonstrate how key concepts can bridge the ge...
Constructing Landscape
Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
2021 || Paperback || Astrid Zimmermann || Birkhauser
Offers an introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the construction of open space elements and the use of plants.
Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy
2011 || Paperback || Malte Faber e.a. || Taylor & Francis
In today's world - despite the dramatic anthropogenic environmental changes - a proper understanding of the relationship between humanity and nature requires a certain detachment. The pressing problems in their whole extent will only be fully understood and solved with comprehensive and patient analysis. Accordingly, this book develops new perspectives on fundamental questions of biology, ecology, and the economy, integrated within a framework of a terminology specially devised by the authors.
By illuminating the epistemological backgrounds of ecological-economic research, the authors lay foundations for interdisciplinary environmental research and offer guidelines for practical action. In close contact to the findings of present-day biology and economics, they demonstrate the fruitfulness as well as the shortcomings of modern science for the understanding of the proper place of humankind in nature.. Frequently, current problems in the fields of economics, ecology, politics, philosophy and biology are discussed in a kind of "dialogue" with thinkers and poets like Bacon, Quesnay, Kant, Goethe and Novalis...