Studieboeken (14)
vandaag verzonden
Vocabulaire progressif du francais - Niveau intermédiaire / 3ème édition
2019 || Paperback || Anne Goliot-Lete e.a. || CLE International
Ouvrage de Vocabulaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau intermédiaire (A2/B1).
Entrainement et évaluation en ligne:
plus de 300 tests auto-correctifs.
Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de Vocabulaire:
Une organisation claire : la leçon de vocabulaire sur la page de gauche, les exercices et les activités communicatives sur la page de droite
25 chapitres thématiques présentant les thèmes u...
morgen verzonden
15 Eeuwen Nederlandse taal
15 eeuwen ontwikkeling en beinvloeding
2019 || Paperback || Nicoline van der Sijs || Sterck & De Vreese || met inkijkexemplaar
Hoe ontstond het Nederlands uit het Indo-Europees? Hoe belangrijk was het contact met sprekers van andere talen, dialecten of groepstalen? Waarom leren we op school dat hij vindt met dt moet, maar ik vind met een d? 15 eeuwen Nederlandse taal beschrijft de evolutie van de Nederlandse taal. Ieder hoofdstuk begint met een korte beschrijving
van de taalcontacten in een bepaalde periode en de belangrijkste maatschappelijke veranderingen in die tijd. Daarna
lezen we hoe klanken, vormen, woordvormi...
The Oxford Gothic Grammar
2019 || Hardcover || D. Gary Miller || Oxford University Press
This volume provides a comprehensive reference grammar of Gothic, the earliest attested language of the Germanic family (apart from runic inscriptions). It is the first in English to draw on the recently discovered Bologna fragment and Crimean graffiti, in addition to the traditional Bible translation explored in most works to date.
The Political Speechwriter's Companion
A Guide for Writers and Speakers
2019 || Paperback || Robert A. Lehrman e.a. || CQ Press
Can you really learn to write speeches? The Political Speechwriter's Companion guides students through a systematic "LAWS" approach (language, anecdote, wit, and support) that politicians can use to persuade their audiences into taking action. In the highly anticipated Second Edition, esteemed speechwriter and author Robert A. Lehrman has teamed up with one of the "go-to-guys" for political humor, Eric Schnure, to offer students an entertaining yet practical introduction to political speechwr...
The Communication Strategy Handbook
Toolkit for Creating a Winning Strategy
2019 || Hardcover || Betteke van Ruler e.a. || Peter Lang Publishing Inc
Strategic development is one of the most daunting challenges that faces any professional, no matter the field. After all, stakes are high. Developing effective strategies can put you on the path to becoming a trusted advisor and a valued employee.
The Communication Strategy Framework introduced in this handbook has been designed to help professionals make targeted choices toward strategic communication. Taking an iterative approach and continually reflecting on whether your choices remain con...
Globalization and Culture / 4th edition
Global Mélange
2019 || Paperback || Jan Nederveen Pieterse || Rowman & Littlefield
Now updated with new chapters on culture and on populism, this seminal text disputes the view that we are experiencing a "clash of civilizations" as well as the idea that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. Instead, Jan Nederveen Pieterse argues that we are witnessing the formation of a global melange culture through processes of cultural mixing or hybridization. From this perspective on globalization, conflict may be mitigated and identity preserved, albeit transformed.
In a new ...
Einführung in die Linguistik für DaF/DaZ
2019 || Paperback || Susanne Horstmann e.a. || Brill I Schoeningh
Sprachwissenschaft passgenau für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: Susanne Horstmann, Julia Settinieri und Dagmar Freitag bieten eine Einführung, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse angehender Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zugeschnitten ist. Insbesondere praxisrelevante Bereiche und Themen der Linguistik werden ausführlich behandelt. Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur, Übungsaufgaben und Lösungsvorschläge helfen beim Lernen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
Kommunikative Kompetenz
Relevanz von Ausspra...
Sprachwissenschaft / 4th edition
Ein Reader
2019 || Paperback || Ludger Hoffmann || de Gruyter
Der Band enthält klassische Texte zu den Kernbereichen und wichtigen Theorien der Sprachwissenschaft, Originaltexte u. a. von Frege, Paul, de Saussure, Bühler, Bloomfield, Wittgenstein, Austin, Grice, Chomsky, Goldberg, Tomasello. Den Texten gehen einführende Darstellungen voraus, die die Voraussetzungen für selbstständigen Zugang und kritisch-vergleichende Lektüre schaffen. Das Buch gliedert sich in die Gegenstandsbereiche: Sprachtheorien; Sprache und Handlung; Diskurs und Konversation...
Qualitative Data Analysis - International Student Edition
A Methods Sourcebook
2019 || Paperback || Matthew B. Miles e.a. || SAGE
In this fourth edition, the authors present the fundamentals of research design and data management with five distinct methods of analysis: exploring, describing, ordering, explaining and predicting.
Introducing Pragmatics in Use / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Anne O'Keeffe e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Introducing Pragmatics in Use is a lively and accessible introduction to pragmatics, which both covers theory and applies it to real spoken and written data. This is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate students of pragmatics, discourse analysis and corpus linguistics or TESOL programmes.