Studieboeken (3)
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Cases and Materials International and European Union Law / Druk 3
2022 || Paperback || Lana Said e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar
This compilation consists of key treaties, secondary legislation and case law in the area of international and European institutional and constitutional law, selected by the Department of international and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. The compilation uniquely combines these two areas of law in one single compilation, making it ideal for introductory courses in these fields.
What makes this book furthermore unique and of added value...
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Mededingingsrecht in de EU en Nederland / Druk 2
2022 || Paperback || J.W. van de Gronden || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Het mededingingsrecht behoort tot de kern van het beleid van de Europese Unie. Europese integratie is voor een groot gedeelte marktintegratie. Rivaliteit tussen onderneming in de Europese arena moet leiden tot meer consumentenwelvaart op de interne markt van de EU. De toepassing en handhaving van het EU-mededingingsrecht zijn krachtig ter hand genomen door de Europese Commissie in de loop van de jaren. Toch staan de Europese regels voor de concurrentie niet op zichzelf. Ook de lidstaten hebbe...
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Can Collective Power Europe Emerge from Putin's War?
Seventh Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture
2022 || Paperback || Brigid Laffan || T.M.C. Asser Press
Brigid Laffan on her lecture 'Can Collective Power Europe Emerge from Putin’s War?':
‘On 24 February 2022, the post-war international order ended, as did the 1989 peace dividend. A major nuclear power, Russia, invaded its neighbour Ukraine, targeting civilians, reducing urban centres to a rubble and triggering a major displacement of people in Europe. For the European Union (EU) and the wider community of democracies, this is a critical juncture with implications for the security and poli...