Studieboeken (8)
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The Caribbean before Columbus / 1st edition
2017 || Paperback || William F. Keegan e.a. || Oxford University Press
The Caribbean before Columbus is a new synthesis of the region's insular history. It combines the results of the authors' 55 years of archaeological research on almost every island in the three archipelagoes with that of their numerous colleagues and collaborators. The presentation operates on multiple scales: temporal, spatial, local, regional, environmental, social, and political.
In addition, individual sites are used to highlight specific issues. For the first time, the complete histories...
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A History of the Muslim World to 1750 / 2nd edition
The Making of a Civilization
2017 || Paperback || Vernon O. Egger || Taylor & Francis
A History of the Muslim World to 1750 traces the development of Islamic civilization from the career of the Prophet Muhammad to the mid-eighteenth century. Encompassing a wide range of significant events within the period, its coverage includes the creation of the Dar al-Islam (the territory ruled by Muslims), the fragmentation of society into various religious and political groups including the Shi'ites and Sunnis, the series of catastrophes in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that threa...
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Geschiedenis van Indonesiƫ
2017 || Hardcover || Leo Dalhuisen e.a. || Walburg Pers || met inkijkexemplaar
Geschiedenis van Indonesiƫ vertelt het fascinerende verhaal van een land van enorme contrasten. De Indonesische archipel herbergt een grote verscheidenheid aan bevolkingsgroepen met elk een eigen culturele en religieuze identiteit. Het 'vreedzaamste volk op aarde' (volgens een typering uit de koloniale periode) kan behalve lijdzaam onderdanig ook intens gewelddadig zijn.
Dit werk belicht zowel de oudste als de nieuwste geschiedenis van Indonesiƫ. Aan de orde komen onder andere de grote en ...
The Spitfire Pocket Manual
2017 || Hardcover || UK) Martin (University of Exeter Robson || Bloomsbury Publishing
Developed in 1938 from a Schneider trophy-winning design by the aeronautical engineer and designer R.J Mitchell, the Supermarine Spitfire went on to become the definitive Allied fighter of the Second World War, and ranks amongst the most famous aircraft of all time. This pocket manual presents an accessible collection of fascinating historical documents to help readers explore the technical and tactical developments relating to the design and use of this famous aircraft. Sources include the A...
Thinking About History
2017 || Paperback || Sarah Maza || The University of Chicago Press
What distinguishes history as a discipline from other fields of study? That's the animating question of Sarah Maza's Thinking About History, a general introduction to the field of history that revels in its eclecticism and highlights the inherent tensions and controversies that shape it. Designed for the classroom, Thinking About History is organized around big questions: Whose history do we write, and how does that affect what stories get told and how they are told? How did we come to view t...
A History of World Societies, Volume 2
2017 || Paperback || Merry E Wiesner-Hanks e.a. || Macmillan
A regional and global approach to world history that highlights society and culture Long praised by instructors and students for its accessible regional chapter structure, readability, and sustained attention to social history, the Eleventh Edition of A History of World Societies includes even more features and tools to engage today's students and save instructors time. This edition includes more help with historical thinking skills, an expanded primary source program in print and online, and...
Foragers, Farmers, and Fossil Fuels
How Human Values Evolve
2017 || Paperback || Ian Morris || Princeton University Press
Most people in the world today think democracy and gender equality are good, and that violence and wealth inequality are bad. But most people who lived during the 10,000 years before the nineteenth century thought just the opposite. Drawing on archaeology, anthropology, biology, and history, Ian Morris explains why. Fundamental long-term changes in
A History of World Societies, Volume 1
To 1600
2017 || Paperback || Merry E Wiesner-Hanks e.a. || Macmillan
A regional and global approach to world history that highlights society and culture Long praised by instructors and students for its accessible regional chapter structure, readability, and sustained attention to social history, the Eleventh Edition of A History of World Societies includes even more features and tools to engage today's students and save instructors time. This edition includes more help with historical thinking skills, an expanded primary source program in print and online, and...