Studieboeken (6)
Broom and Fraser's Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Donald Broom || CABI Publishing
Completely updated and revised, and synthesizing the recent explosion in animal welfare literature, the sixth edition of this best-selling textbook continues to provide a thorough overview of behaviour and welfare of companion and farm animals, including fish. The introductory section has been completely revised, with all following chapters updated, redesigned and improved to reflect our changing understanding. This edition includes: - New and revised chapters on climate change and sustainabi...
Diversity Competence
Cultures Don't Meet, People Do
2019 || Paperback || Dr Edwin Hoffman e.a. || CABI Publishing
In today's world many people live, learn and work in international and multicultural environments. Intercultural communication has become an important topic in many fields of work and study. Given the complexities of globalization, knowledge of cultures and cultural differences is rarely sufficient.
In this book, interpersonal communication forms the point of departure: the meeting of people, not of cultures. The authors describe what diversity competence entails: which processes, challenges ...
The Ethology of Domestic Animals / 3rd edition
An introductory text
2017 || Paperback || Per Jensen || CABI Publishing
Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout, this classic bestselling text provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of animal behaviour. It covers genetics, physiology, motivations, learning and cognition, through to social and reproductive behaviours, abnormal behaviour and human-animal interactions.
Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout, this classic bestselling text continues to provide a concise introduction to the important fundame...
Imagineering: Innovation in the Experience Economy
2014 || Paperback || Gabrielle Kuiper e.a. || CABI Publishing
To survive in today's complex economies, it is imperative for companies to understand their consumers in terms of how and why they like to use their products. Distinction based on quality no longer provides competitive advantage. Imagineers use design methods to create meaningful experiences that connect consumers to brands, employees to companies and consumers to consumers.
This book explains the background of the need for experiences and then focusses on how to design them. Bringing theory ...
Animal Welfare / 3rd Edition
2018 || Paperback || Michael e.a. || CABI Publishing
Updated and revised, this bestselling textbook provides a broad introduction to the welfare of animals large and small, farm and companion, wild and zoo. It retains the popular features of the previous editions, covering key issues such as ethics, animal pain and injury, health and disease, social conditions and welfare dilemmas and problems.
An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruit and Vegetables
2016 || Paperback || Ron Wills e.a. || CABI Publishing
Completely updated, this broad-based introductory level textbook covers the key concepts and practical technologies to slow the deterioration of harvested produce, including handling, packaging, transport, temperature management and the control of pests and diseases. The book retains the high quality colour section and the content has been revised to reflect up-to-date information on the key issues of effective postharvest handling. New to the sixth edition: - Discussion of issues important t...