Resultaten (4)
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‘Een knecht der knechten sy hy syne broederen’
Christelijk geloof en slavernij in het Nederlandse Atlantische koloniale rijk van de zeventiende en de achttiende eeuw
2024 || Paperback || Ben Ipenburg || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Het Nederlands slavernijverleden roept vele vragen op. Eén ervan is hoe het toch kon dat het christelijk geloof slavernij niet afkeurde maar theologisch ondersteunde. De bijbel weersprak niet dat mensen tot slaaf konden worden gemaakt. De gereformeerde theologie van de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw gaf samen met rechtsgeleerdheid, verlichtingsfilosofie, politiek en maatschappelijk denken vorm aan de koloniale ideologie van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden.
Twee slaventheologieën onde...
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Identity, Power and Group Formation in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)
2024 || Paperback || Christos Giamakis || Sidestone Press Dissertations
The first ever large-scale synthesis on identity and social dynamics across archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC), Christos Giamakis’s book provides a detailed narrative exploring the role of power as displayed through material culture in the formation of group identities across the region. Giamakis focuses on data from nine cemeteries in the region combining multiple datasets including grave goods, osteological evidence, burial rites, tomb types and the organisation of the cemetery space in orde...
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The Handle Core Concept
Lithic Technology and Knowledge Transmission in Mesolithic Northern Europe
2024 || Paperback || Sandra Söderlind || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This work deals with topics related to mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge. The study of these topics regarding the past can promote an understanding of the social implications of migration, communication and learning today through long-term perspectives of change. This volume focuses on these topics in the Mesolithic by analysing a specialised lithic concept known previously from Scandinavia and Northern Germany. The implementation of the Handle Core Pressure Concept (HCPC) is b...
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Craftful Minds
Tracing Technical Individuality in Production Processes
2024 || Paperback || Moiken Hinrichs || Sidestone Press Dissertations
The aim of the thesis was to provide a framework for the identification and analysis of individual craftspeople in bifacial flint production. Flint production flakes from replications of South Scandinavian Late Neolithic daggers and Early Bronze Age sickles were the focus of the study, in contrast to research so far, mostly relying on finished and often exceptional pieces.
To identify technical traditions within technological systems and/or personal approaches to production, it is necessary t...