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Practice of English Language Teaching / 5th edition
2015 || Hardcover || Jeremy Harmer || Pearson
The highly acclaimed Practice of English Language Teaching is the essential guide for teachers of English in a wide range of contexts. The fifth edition has been revised to reflect new developments in language teaching. It explains current pedagogy to teachers who want to access the most relevant ELT practices and incorporate them into their lessons.
Disrupt / 2nd edition
Think the Unthinkable to Spark Transformation in Your Business
2015 || Hardcover || Luke Williams || Pearson
Master a complete five-step program for identifying and executing on disruptive business opportunities! Now updated and even more effective, Luke Williams' Disrupt, Second Edition combines the design industry's most powerful "disruptive thinking" techniques with real business implementation discipline. Drawing on his pioneering experience innovating at the legendary frog design (and teaching innovation at NYU), Williams shows exactly how to generate and execute on a steady stream of disruptiv...
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Physics: Principles with Applications / 7th edition
Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics
2015 || Hardcover || Douglas Giancoli || Pearson
Elegant, engaging, exacting, and concise, Giancoli's Physics: Principles with Applications, Seventh Edition, helps students view the world through eyes that know physics. Giancoli's text is a trusted classic, known for its elegant writing, clear presentation, and quality of content. Using concrete observations and experiences students can relate to, the text features an approach that reflects how science is actually practiced: it starts with the specifics, then moves to the great generalizati...