Resultaten (17)
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Michel Mazzoni
other Things Visible
2020 || Paperback || Christine Jamart || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
Situated as it is at the very turn of the century, and questioning from the outset the inflation and desubstantialisation involved in the hegemony of images, Michel Mazzoni’s photographic practice is an image factory or rather an image-thinking factory. An image which outflanks it and decompartmentalises it in multifarious ways, from its installation in situ to its editorial deployment. An image qua cultural artefact in its capacity to link us to the world in a shared sense of perpetual pre...
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Van klimaatcatastrofes naar een wij-Mensheid
2024 || Paperback || Albert Comhaire || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
In zijn eerste werk heeft de auteur aangetoond dat de bevolkingstoename de belangrijkste motor is van de toename van het CO2-gehalte in de atmosfeer en gaf hij ook de nodige, bijkomende maatregelen aan. Zijn mathematisch bewijs bevestigde de waarnemingen en besluiten van diverse onderzoekers, zoals Brian O’Neill, Frank Götmark, Nobelprijswinnaar Christian de Duve en Peter Singer.
Nieuw keerpunt, nieuwe publicatie: vanaf 2004 groeit het methaangehalte permanent en wel quasi-exponentieel. Oo...
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E2N Archives
2020 || Paperback || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
To celebrate its 35th birthday, Espace 251 Nord shares its history with a 392 pages’ volume book, opening with an extensive plates’ section of exhibition views and closing with an exhaustive chronology of the 187 exhibitions and events, produced by Espace 251 Nord under the direction of Laurent Jacob since 1983. As a preview to this upcoming publication ‘E2N Archives Active/Published’, this edition was produced as a limited edition gift at the 58th Venice Art Biennale 2019.
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Koen Van den Broeck
wall Paintings
2020 || Paperback || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
STUFF provides an overview of ten years public art projects and includes an in-depth interview by prof.dr. Wouter Davidts about what this practice means for Van den Broek. Especially for this publication, the artist created new sketches on tracing paper that provide insight into his working process and the interaction with his painterly oeuvre. The book is lavishly illustrated and contains never before published images of designs, models, work in progress and temporary, executed and not execu...
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2020 || Paperback || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
"Dumitru is a project started in 2015. The corpus of images that composes it comes mainly from archives relating to the period of the reign of the Ceaucescu dictatorship in Romania (1974/1989). Missed Utopias, lost dreams, technologies that have become obsolete ... For four years, I drew on these images, scrutinized and enlarged their surfaces, revisited places by making new shots, trying out new assemblies, such as a montage game, until evidence emerges.
The book is a posthumous tribute to D...
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Danny Bergeman
The Zandberg Drawing
2020 || Paperback || Danny Bergeman || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
The Zandberg Drawing is the silent, loyal and monumental witness of the sustained and painstaking work of Danny Bergeman (°1960, Izegem). In September 2011, Bergeman first set pencil to paper in an A3 sketchbook while on holiday in France. He started to draw small, precise and recognisable motifs that he observed, such as the façade of a house, a roof, and so on. Back in Belgium, he continued to work in his sketchbook in the De Zandberg art workshop in Harelbeke, albeit that his drawings we...
morgen verzonden
2020 || Paperback || Joost Colpaert || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
Joost Colpaert (°1965, lives and works in Oudenaarde, Belgium) has been producing paintings and videos for many years in which recurring cycles, fluent progress and the force of water play a central theme. He is inspired by his musical background: where a painting is spatially restricted, music can continue to flow (eternally). In a series of paintings from around 2000 the idea of recurring cycles was expressed in the form of rings, streamers and tyres which wound around and through each oth...
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Honoré d'O
Van Eyck
2020 || Paperback || Honoré D'O || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS || met inkijkexemplaar
De Gentse installatie- en videokunstenaar Honoré d'O (°1961, BE) laat zich inspireren door de handdoek op één van de buitenluiken van het 15de-eeuwse Lam Gods van de gebroeders Van Eyck. Reeds zes eeuwen lang komen miljoenen bezoekers van over de hele wereld dit meesterwerk bewonderen. In 2020 viert de stad Gent dit met een bijzonder feestjaar waar deze expo van Honoré d'O deel van uitmaakt. In het detail van de handdoek schuilen de thema's zorg, voorbereiding, intimiteit, zuiverheid en ...
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Katinka Bock
Zarba Lonsa, 0_0__0, Mesonya
2020 || Paperback || Katinka Bock || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS
This publication forms the catalogue of three solo-exhibitions of artist Katinka Bock in Paris, London and Toronto that were linked to the work 'Zarba Lonsa' which she created during her residency at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers in Paris in 2016. Katinka Bock (°1976) creates sculptures and installations that explore temporality and space using clay, natural and found materials, and more recently bronze. She creates a continuous movement between outdoor and indoor spaces, often dealing wi...
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Laura De Coninck
2019 || Paperback || Laura De Coninck || BORGERHOFF & LAMBERIGTS || met inkijkexemplaar
Met het boek 'Saudade' doet Laura een oproep naar ambassadeurs van het woord. Ze hoopt zo veel mogelijk mensen te 'besmetten' met de liefde voor dit woord, zodat het gedeeld en gemeengoed wordt. Toen ze het woord hoorde en de betekenis bij herhaling tot haar doordrong, ervaarde ze dit als een soort thuiskomen. Het was alsof plotseling alles op zijn plaats viel; haar oeuvre en dat wat haar dreef om te schilderen had plots een gemeenschappelijke noemer gevonden, een vlag die de lading dekt. En ...