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Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Death in Denial

A Study into the Dutch System of Post-mortem Investigation

2024 || Paperback || Cécile Woudenberg-van den Broek || Gompel & Svacina

“Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law.” This right to life, as enshrined in Cécile Woudenberg-van den Broek Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, also imposes a duty on the state to conduct a post-mortem investigation.This book, based on a PhD thesis, examines the Dutch system of post-mortem investigation. It questions whether the system is adequate and whether it complies with the obligations set forth by the European Court of Human Rights regarding Artic...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Our Men in Brussels

2024 || Paperback || Marc Cools e.a. || Gompel & Svacina

Inhoud van dit cahier:Voorwoord

Marc Cools, Emmanuel Debruyne, Mathias Desmet, Robin Liefferinckx, Pieter Leloup & Vincent SeronLezing naar aanleiding van de bevelsoverdracht van de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsschool (IVS) – te Heverlee op 26 januari 2023

Marc CoolsLes affaires Grégoire et Gantois, symptômes d’une absence de culture du renseignement en Belgique ?

Lionel KaënsThe Name is Brussels, Target Brussels. Stijgende grootmachtencompetitie en de Europese hoofdstad als (hernieuwd) b...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The State and the Art

The Plural Policing of Art Crime

2024 || Paperback || Richard Van Herzeele || Gompel & Svacina

The role of private actors in policing has become a topic in both research and policy, as police forces face budgetary and expertise-related constraints. These challenges are evident in art crime policing, where a lack of prioritisation often means limited resources are allocated for a crime that requires significant expertise to tackle. Cooperating with private actors has been mooted as a solution to this deficit, but empirical research to support this suggestion is scarce.This book helps fi...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

No Mask, No Filter

A Bold Conversation and Guide for NGOs in the Global South and Global North

2024 || Paperback || Nico Van Oudenhoven e.a. || Gompel & Svacina

This book challenges what the authors see as a privileged narrative entertained by NGOs in the Global North when it comes to their relationship with their counterparts from the Global South. It suggests approaches to jointly generate new knowledge, high quality networks, and valuable reciprocal and validated collaboration. Issues such as “the Law of Detrimental Effect,” “Collateral Beauty,” “the Collective Psychosis and Bureaucrats,” “Pain as a Catalyst,” “Diversity, Equity,...