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xOpleiding: Safety and Security Management Studies
xVerschijningsvorm: E-book via Bookshelf
xVoorgeschreven bij: Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
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Safety, Health and Environmental Auditing / 2nd Edition (e-book)
A Practical Guide
2018 || E-book via Bookshelf || Simon Watson Pain || Routledge
This new edition builds on the success of the first edition. It has been enhanced to embrace new topics including Due Dilgence, EHS Auditing, Process Safety, Auditing, and a chapter summarizing auditing with the relevant ISO standards. The rest of the book has been updated to fit with the guidance and requirements set out with the changes in the ISO standards. The goal of this book remains the same, to provide a "down to earth" guidance for managers and specialists in organizations who are co...