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Supply Chain Management / 7th edition
Strategy, Planning, and Operation
2019 || Paperback || Sunil Chopra || Pearson || ook als eBook
For MBA, engineering master, or senior-level undergraduate courses in supply chain management. A strategic framework for understanding supply chain managementSupply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving students the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, students are guided through all of the key drivers of supply chain performance, including facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pr...
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Report writing for readers with little time / Druk 1
2012 || Paperback || Rien Elling e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
In Higher Education, the Dutch edition of Report writing for readers with little time is the textbook most widely used for the writing of reports of a technical nature while professional writers use it as a popular reference work.
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Logistics: Principles and Practice + website
2011 || Paperback || Visser e.a. || Cologic
Logistics: Principles and Practice is a general introduction to logistics. The specialized field of logistics is growing fast. Fulfilling orders on time is of crucial importance in the modern age of internet economy and just-in-time production.