
Hardcover (4)
Paperback (2)
Mer (2)

Resultaten (6)

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Manhattan Masters (Engels)

Dutch Masters from The Frick Collection

2022 || Hardcover || Quentin Buvelot || Waanders Uitgevers

In the heart of New York, viewing Central Park, you find The Frick Collection. A much loved museum famous for its collection. Among those masterpieces of Dutch painters from the seventeenth century. Never been on show in Europe for more than 100 years.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Mirror Mirror

Mode & the Psyche

2022 || Hardcover || Hannibal books

A unique take on fashion in 2022

In MIRROR MIRROR – Fashion & the Psyche, MoMu – Fashion Museum Antwerp and Dr. Guislain Museum examine how fashion, psychology, self-image and identity are connected. The personal experience of the body is the main theme of this unexpected dialogue between visual art and avant-garde fashion. Featuring work by Ed Atkins, Walter Van Beirendonck, Noir Kei Ninomiya, Genieve Figgis, Genesis Belanger, Hussein Chalayan, Comme des Garçons, Joseph Schneller, Ezeki...

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maandag verzonden

Raimund Girke. Between White

2022 || Hardcover || Gottfried Boehm e.a. || Mer

When post-war art in Western Europe was characterised by happenings and installations, the artist Raimund Girke (1930–2002), born in Heinzendorf (today Poland, then Lower Silesia (Germany)), continued to regard art as a two-dimensional application of paint on canvas or paper. Although he exhibited several times with artists of the ZERO movement, founded by his fellow students at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, he was determined not to be a part of it. Later, he was associated with some other...

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maandag verzonden

Zlatko Kopljar. Luc Tuymans. MERCY (Politics)

2022 || Paperback || Zlatko Kopljar e.a. || Mer

Mercy (Politics) derives from Zlatko Kopljar and Luc Tuymans’ two-person exhibition titled Mercy (December 22-February 23, Galerija Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania). The book revolves around the politics in the artists’ work, as well as their political views. It consists of an extensive interview with each of the artists and a curatorial statement by Ory Dessau, the editor of the book and the curator of the exhibition mentioned above.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Light on the Riviera

Photography of the Cote d'Azur

2022 || Hardcover || Sophie Wright || Persell Trading

From hinterland to hotspot: How fashion designers, painters, and photographers met and boundlessly inspired each other on the Cote d'Azur starting in the early 20th century. Text in English, German and French.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Crawly Creatures

Depiction and appreciation of insects and other critters in art and science

2022 || Paperback || Jan de Hond e.a. || Rijksmuseum Amsterdam