
Paperback (5)
2021 (2)
2022 (2)

Resultaten (6)

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met 5% korting 79,75

Legal Education in the 21st Century

Indonesian and International Perspectives

2022 || Paperback || Aalt Willem Heringa e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag

Although we often think of law and the legal system as abstract things, they are not: law is people’s work, made concrete and filled with life by those who draft, interpret, apply, and enforce it, and also by those who reflect on it and teach it. Therefore, how well Indonesia’s legal system works, whether it succeeds in fully implementing the rule of law, and whether it brings justice to Indonesia’s diverse people depends on its jurists, and thereby ultimately on the quality of its lega...

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met 5% korting 231,75

Competition Law and Public Interests

2019 || Hardcover || C.M.H.M. Kneepkens || Boom uitgevers Den Haag

Should self-regulation that serves public interests be shielded from the cartel prohibition? Or should public interests have a place in the balancing exercise of Article 101(3) TFEU? Is it legally possible to admit anti-competitive mergers when they are still in the best interest of society? Competition Law and Public Interests covers these fundamental and topical questions, and examines the relation between competition law and public interests in general.

Based on a profound and structured a...

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met 5% korting 89,78

Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe

the menu for justice project report

2013 || Paperback || Daniela Piana e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag

Menu for Justice is the first European project that takes seriously the issue of how the new generation of Europeans should be trained in law and legal matters and how experts in law and the judicial process can develop new skills and competences to effectively face the challenges of a common judicial space. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The project takes up a major issue in contem-porary judicial politics: to what extent and by which means can legall...

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met 5% korting 46,50

Quantitative Insights for Lawyers

2021 || Paperback || Philip Hans Franses || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar

The ability to deal with quantitative data is becoming increasingly important for lawyers. Estimates, probabilities and the likelihood that something will or will not happen in relation to a legally relevant insight or legal consideration, has become an important skill. We can witness its relevance in a famous case in The Netherlands – the case of Lucia de Berk, an unfortunate nurse who had been present at (initially) thirty deaths. According to the Public Prosecution Service, it was statis...

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met 5% korting 47,45

Legal Research

One Hundred Questions and Answers

2021 || Paperback || M. Vols || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar

This book is about research in the field of law. In recent years much has been written about the need and benefits of legal research, the methods and theories that are applied by lawyers, and the justification of methods and theories applied in legal research reports. Many law schools nowadays include courses about research skills in their curricula. Doctoral candidates increasingly are offered courses about research methodology as applied in law. 

Legal Research provides answers to exactly ...

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maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 26,55

In Courts We Trust

Courts as Defenders of the Rule of Law and Parliamentary Democracy

2022 || Paperback || A.W. Heringa || Boom uitgevers Den Haag

In this farewell speech on the occasion of his retirement as Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law at Maastricht University, given in March 2022, Aalt Willem Heringa discusses the too often ignored role of courts as interpreters of statutes. The courts, by checking the (constitutional) quality of statutes, contribute to the rule of law and parliamentary democracy.

Independent courts may add to the confidence in a constitutional and parliamentary system as a whole, by being in a position...