Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (7)
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Work Stress and Coping
2023 || Hardcover || Dewe || SAGE
A historical account of workplace stress and what the research in the field of occupational stress tells us about the changing nature of work and what individuals and organizations can do about it to create more liveable environments.
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A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations / Druk 5
2023 || Hardcover || Grey || SAGE
Conceived by Chris Grey and written to get you thinking, the 'Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap' series offers informal, conversational and critical overviews of popular areas of study.
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Sustaining Change in Organizations
2023 || Hardcover || Hodges || SAGE
Indispensable to understanding change, this unique text provides a comprehensive examination of how change can be sustained within organizations today.
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Business Research Methods for Chinese Students
2023 || Hardcover || xian || SAGE
The only book on the market designed to help Chinese students with the specific challenges they face in understanding research methods and how to do a research project on their business programme at a Western university.
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The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing
2023 || Hardcover || Wall || SAGE
This handbook embraces ideas and empirical work from a range of fields including psychology, business and management, economics, and science. Topics covered include: digital working and social media, LGBTQIA+ identifications and work, suicide at work, refugee workers, and mental health.
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Power Politics Organizational Change / Druk 3
2023 || Hardcover || Buchanan || SAGE
Focusing on power and politics, this third edition combines a practical and theoretical guide to the politics of organizational change and innovation.
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Managing Change in Organizations
2023 || Hardcover || Sveningsson || SAGE
This book explores a broad range of perspectives on change management, encouraging critical reflection and making sense of a complex field of theories. The unique approach is based around three key perspectives of change: how, what and why.