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Trademark case law CJEU / druk 2
|| Paperback || Dirk Visser || deLex B.V.
This publication contains one page summaries of the most important decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) with regard to trade mark law and is intended as an overview of, or firstintroduction, to European trade mark case law. The facts and the relevant rule of law of most decisions are summarized in one or two sentences and often combined with the verbatim text of the most important paragraphs od the decisions. This book is an easy-reference manual in which the essence...
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Interconnection Regulation and Contract law / druk 1
2011 || Hardcover || Serge Gijrath || deLex B.V.
This book explores the relationship between interconnection regulation within the European Union's framework for electronic communications and principles of contract law. The European Union has achieved considerable progress in further opening up electronic communications markets and continues to monitor market behaviour. A review of the new regulatory framework (2002) that was implemented into the Member States' law is expected for 2006. The emphasis of regulation continues to lie on the app...