Resultaten (8)
Crime Scene Photography
2016 || Hardcover || Edward M. Robinson || Elsevier
Crime Scene Photography, Third Edition, covers the general principles and concepts of photography, while also delving into the more practical elements and advanced concepts of forensic photography. Robinson assists the reader in understanding and applying essential concepts in order to create images that are able to withstand challenges in court. This text is a required reading by both the International Association for Identification's Crime Scene Certification Board and the Forensic Photogra...
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The Athens recorder
2016 || Paperback || Johannes Schwartz || Roma Publications
What do people do, if they are out in the street? Reading? Waiting? Can we recognize the inhabitant, the stranger, the traveller by his actions and deeds in an urban setting? This is the premise of Johannes Schwartz's exploration, which was set in Athens in the fall of 2015. The result are photos of streets, public squares, museums, ruins and shops, places of culture and consumption. Devided in 17 chapters everything passes by in a set of chance driven encounters. Designed by Experimental Jet...
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Ulay*What Is This Thing Called Polaroid?
2016 || Paperback || Ulay e.a. || Samenwerkende Uitgevers VOF
What Is This Thing Called Polaroid? gaat over de bijzondere kwaliteiten van Polaroid-fotografie en de rol die dit medium speelt in het werk van de kunstenaar Ulay. Al vanaf de jaren 1970 onderzoekt Ulay de mogelijkheden van Polaroid, leidend tot radicaal en baanbrekend werk. Het eenmalige en onmiddellijke karakter van elke individuele Polaroidfoto sluit goed aan bij Ulays performance-kunst en body art. Ulays experimenten gaan zo ver dat hij uiteindelijk zelf ín een grote Polaroidcamera is ga...
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Musée du Peuple
fifteen emblems
2016 || Paperback || Carolus Limonard || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
What is it like to attend a museum today?
In fifteen emblems, each made of one photograph and one lyrical text, Limonard looks closely at what we may experience at the Rijks Museum and Rembrandt House in Amsterdam.
The emblems evoke Old Masters, Lost Companions, Recovery Rooms, a live Performance, the Sense of Touch, The Hunt for Satisfaction, Etiquette, and more.
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The Extras
2016 || Paperback || Bert Danckaert || Jap Sam Books
Een fotograaf verzeilt op een filmset in Bollywood. Hij wil er in het kader van een doctoraatsonderzoek in de kunsten decors fotograferen. Als figurant (een zogenaamde 'extra') infiltreert hij op de set van Tezz, een romantische terroristenfilm. Maar niets verloopt zoals de fotograaf het zich voorgesteld had. Samen met een dertigtal andere extra's belandt hij in een allerminst fotogeniek decor. Tijdens de lange opnamedag komen gesprekken opgang over fotografie en samenleving, met het overbevo...
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On the Soft Edge of Space
2018 || Hardcover || Marleen Sleeuwits e.a. || Onomatopee Projects - public gallery and publisher
Artist Marleen Sleeuwits, known for her photography, objects and installations, takes this experimental book to propose a four-tiered representation of space: starting with two-dimensional images of space, that are then placed in a scale model, to the photos taken inside this model and, finally, to their convergence in this book. The spaces could be anything from a museum to a lobby or a passageway: locations we know as places for contemplation, for waiting or for movement. The condition of t...
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Pier Open Closed
an old european fairy tale
2016 || Hardcover || Eugène Baak || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Oh man! For an eleven-year-old boy, an eventful day at the beach becomes even more exciting when a soldier asks him to deliver a tubular case to headquarters. But where the devil is headquarters? And who or what are these strange characters he meets?
Eugène Baak’s Pier Open Closed is an extraordinary fairy tale in words, photos and drawings. Appropriate for all ages.
O man! Een bewogen dagje aan het strand wordt voor een elfjarige jongen nog spannender als een soldaat hem vraagt een ronde ...
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Small Change
2016 || Paperback || Erik Kessels || Kesselskramer
Online auction sites often show photographs where details or sections of the photograph have been covered up due to privacy and/or censorship issues. As a result sellers are forced to come up with smart and practical solutions so that the photograph conforms to privacy and censorship guidelines but still show enough of the image to interest prospective buyers. This version of 'Ein Volk ehrt seiner Führer' was purchased at an online auction. Coins were used to censor the images.