Resultaten (12)
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the production of cyclespace in our minds and our cities
2017 || Paperback || Steven Fleming || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Nederlanders gebruiken de fiets in combinatie met de trein om regio's onderling te verbinden. Andere landen gebruiken de fiets om historische stadscentra weer leefbaar te maken. Maar wat als het fietsen zou worden ingezet als het organiserende hoofdprincipe voor stedelijke groei en nieuw te ontwerpen gebouwen?
Het boek laat zien dat steden die in de toekomst de meeste verbindingen bieden, dezelfde steden zijn die fietsverkeer verkiezen boven lopen en openbaar vervoer. Deze steden zijn niet al...
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Footprint 20 Analytic Philosophy and Architecture
approaching things from the other side
2017 || Paperback || Karan August e.a. || Jap Sam Books
Although thinkers in the field of architecture have embraced ideas emerging from philosophy through the works of continental philosophers since the late 1980s, references to analytic philosophy have remained distinctly absent within architecture history and theory. In part this may be attributable to a perception of analytic philosophy as historiophobic and politically conservative. However in recent decades the philosophical camp is readjusting its relation to language, and notably returning...
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The Riddle of the Real City, or the Dark Knowledge of Urbanism
genealogy, prophecy and epistemology
2017 || Paperback || Wim Nijenhuis || Duizend En Een Uitgeverij
Does our knowledge about city and urban planning have solid ground? Can historical research promote creative thinking? How can we theorise about urban design and architecture in our age of the media?
These questions have guided the creation of this multi-layered, richly documented and illustrated triptych, in which the Dutch architectural theorist Wim Nijenhuis pursues a creative goal: to stimulate new ways of thinking in architectural culture.
Each part of the triptych treats distinctive i...
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The Magic Stove: Barry, Soyer and The Reform Club or how a great chef helped to create a great building
2017 || Hardcover || Thomas A.P. Van Leeuwen || Stichting Les éditions du malentendu
This little book with the lengthy title The Magic Stove: Barry, Soyer and The Reform Club or How a Great Chef Helped to Create Great Building explores the architecture and technology of the London Reform Club building (1837-1840), a noted but generally misinterpreted work of Charles Barry, Britain’s most famous unknown nineteenth-century architect. Barry’s fame rests mainly on two over-familiar monuments: the Houses of Parliament and Highclere Castle, the decor of television drama Downton...
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The Noise Landscape
a spatial exploration of airports and cities
2017 || Hardcover || Benedikt Boucsein e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
De wijde omgeving van grote luchthavens, die te maken krijgt met geluidsoverlast, extra infrastructuur en tijdelijke vormen van architectuur, is tot op heden nog nooit onderzocht als een samenhangend fenomeen. Maar dergelijke geluidslandschappen zijn wereldwijd in opkomst. Hun afmetingen overtreffen in veel gevallen die van naburige steden en steken die in termen van economisch belang soms naar de kroon.
Aan de hand van acht Europese praktijkgevallen (Amsterdam, Zürich, Londen-Heathrow, Fran...
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Orphanage Amsterdam
2017 || Paperback || Christoph Grafe || Uitgeverij Architectura & Natura
English edition only.
In 1954 there were about 300 playgrounds in Amsterdam designed by Aldo van Eyck (1918-1999) which gave him the opportunity to start the making of one of the most important buildings in modern architectural history: the orphanage in Amsterdam (1955-1960). Every detail, material, colour of this highlight with several pavilions, picturesque domes and ingeniously connected patios is to be found in a new richly illustrated book. Already before it was finished the architects B...
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A E I OU. Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes by Tony Fretton
2017 || Paperback || Tony Fretton || Jap Sam Books
A E I OU Articles, Essays, Interviews and Out-takes. The name itself says something of the nature of Tony Fretton's collected writing.
As an architect he has said 'Words, the most collective form of communication, thread their way through the projects, in explanations to clients and constructors, and as my means, along with drawings, of explaining the projects to my collaborators, to myself and to the wider world.'
As Professor of Architectural Design-Interiors at TU Delft, he wrote: 'Interi...
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Amsterdam Architecture / druk 1
a guide
2017 || Hardcover || Guus Kemme e.a. || Thoth, Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
Amsterdam Architecture is the ideal guide for every visitor who wants to get to know Amsterdam's unique architecture better. This handbook covers the architectonic history of the capital city of The Netherlands from the Middle Ages down through today, and includes over 450 buildings from the past and present, which are to be found both in the old city centre and in the outer neighbourhoods. This seventh edition includes the most recent construction projects in the still-growing city. Of cours...
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Progress & Prosperity
the Chinese city as a global urban model
2017 || Paperback || Daan Roggeveen || nai010 uitgevers publishers || met inkijkexemplaar
The Chinese metropolis has developed into the world's most successful urban scheme. Combining bottom-up energy with top-down force, it pushes cities and their inhabitants towards progress, fast-forward.China's megacities are efficient, with well-functioning infrastructures, top-notch public transport, proper housing, steady economic growth, a low crime rate, an attractive climate for foreign investors, and a glitzy skyline to boot.Can this metropolis be the blueprint for cities worldwide?With...
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Water Works in the Netherlands
2017 || Hardcover || Luuk Kramer || nai010 uitgevers publishers
The Netherlands is not only known for its clogs and tulips, but also for its waterworks. From the Stormvloedkering (flood barrier) in Zeeland and the Balgstuw (weir) in Flevoland to the new locks in the Maas River: besides examples of unprecedented technical ingenuity, these so-called wet infrastructural works are also an integrated part of Dutch public space and culture.The publication Waterworks in the Netherlands: Tradition and Innovation portrays the diversity and spatial, cultural and cu...