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Smooth City
Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives
2023 || Paperback || René Boer || Valiz
In cities around the world a new urban condition is spreading
rapidly: an ever-increasing push for ‘perfection’, efficiency
and control and the active eradication of any
aberration, friction or alternative. The smooth city with its
sanitized spaces and new technologies compresses urban
life into a seamless experience. While the demand for safe,
clean, and well-functioning urban environments is understandable,
the rise of the smooth city undermines the democratic
nature and emancipatory po...
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Vis-à-vis Pavilion Propositions
Nine points on an architectural phenomenon
2018 || Paperback || Wouter Davidts e.a. || Valiz
Pavilion Propositions richt zich op het hedendaagse fenomeen van het 'kunstpaviljoen' en andere, vaak tijdelijke en functieloze architecturale bouwwerken. Wereldwijd worden zulke paviljoenen gebouwd in opdracht van kunstinstituten en worden ze bijvoorbeeld gebruikt als expositieruimte (zoals het jaarlijkse Serpentine Pavilion in Londen, het Young Architects Program in New York en het MPavilion in Melbourne). Ondanks zijn alomtegenwoordigheid en populariteit wordt het hedendaagse paviljoen inc...
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Trading Between Architecture and Art
Strategies and Practices of Exchange
2019 || Paperback || Wouter Davidts e.a. || Valiz
Since the 1960s, art and architecture have experienced a series of radical and reciprocal trades. While artists have simulated ‘architectural’ means like plans and models, built structures and pavilions outside art institutions, or intervened in urban and public spaces, architects have employed ‘artistic’ strategies inside art institutions, in exhibitions, biennales and art events. At the same time, art galleries and museums have combined both activities in an interdisciplinary, hybri...