Geen verdere filters gevondenMerel Van Wolferen (2)
morgen verzonden
A Written Observation
“We’re trying to fit into the standards of today, while tomorrow all can be different again.”
2021 || Paperback || Merel Van Wolferen || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
“Our hearts are calling out to us, but we are too busy calling out to the hearts of others. Checking in with them, yet forgetting to check in on ourselves.”
The poems written in this book portray my personal experience and shed some light on a few observations I have made about different types of issues in today’s society. Through my poems, I hope to give some insight into both my opinions and my mind. By writing about these topics and sharing them with the world, I aim to spread knowle...
morgen verzonden
Wherever you go, there you are
2023 || Paperback || Merel Van Wolferen || Brave New Books
How do we learn who we are?
Feelings, thoughts and experiences, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, are all interconnected, and can teach us so much about ourselves and which opportunities we have to learn, to turn pain into beauty, use despair as a fuel to strive for hope, and transform dark experiences into light. For us, artistic expression is a beautiful way to help us in this journey, and over the course of months we spent many moments writing down our thoughts, feelings and exper...