
2018 (2)
Engels (3)

Lore Van Praag (4)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Co-creation in Migration Studies

The Use of Co-creative Methods to Study Migrant Integration Across European Societies

2021 || Paperback || Lore Van Praag || Leuven University Press

Co-creative methods are increasingly used to understand and facilitate integration processes of migrants in immigrant societies. This volume aims to contribute to the debates on the ways in which co-creative methods may advance migrant integration. More specifically, the contributions investigate how co-creative research strategies can provide insights into how integration processes into various domains of immigrant society (e.g. language learning, housing, employment) are shaped, and how the...

Vandaag besteld,
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CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies Migration and Integration in Flanders

Multidisciplinary Perspectives

2018 || Paperback || Christiane Timmerman e.a. || Leuven University Press

First volume in the new series CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies.

Moroccans are one of the largest and most debated migrant groups in Belgium. Moroccan Migration in Belgium analyses diverse facets of this community from a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses the most relevant and some underexposed topics in the rapidly developing field of migration studies. Combining various academic disciplines and different research methods, the book offers a panoramic introspection into the ...

Vandaag besteld,
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Gender and Migration

A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Migration Dynamics

2018 || Paperback || Christiane Timmerman e.a. || Leuven University Press

Considering the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between gender relations and migration, the contributions in this book approach migration dynamics from a gender-sensitive perspective. Bringing together insights from various fields of study, it is demonstrated how processes of social change occur differently in distinct life domains, over time, and across countries and/or regions, influencing the relationship between gender and migration. Detailed analysis by regions, countries, and types ...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 32,30

Haal meer uit meertaligheid

omgaan met talige diversiteit in het basisonderwijs

2016 || Paperback || Lore Van Praag e.a. || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

Leerkrachten in het Vlaamse basisonderwijs krijgen steeds meer te maken met een taaldivers leerlingenpubliek in hun klas. De groep leerlingen die thuis een andere taal spreekt dan het Nederlands neemt almaar toe. In de meeste scholen probeert men deze leerlingen het Nederlands als schooltaal aan te leren door hen onder te dompelen in een Nederlands taalbad. Ondanks het sterke geloof in de effectiviteit van deze aanpak vallen de gemiddelde opbrengsten tegen. Nochtans is het wel mogelijk om op ...