
Engels (2)
Taylor & Francis (2)

Kees Terlouw (3)

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Political Geography of Cities and Regions

Changing Legitimacy and Identity

2022 || Hardcover || Kees Terlouw || Taylor & Francis

This monograph presents a novel typology of relational and territorial perspectives on legitimacy and identity. This typology is then applied to two different political and historical contexts, namely the trajectories of the metropolitan region Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the metropolitan region Ruhr in Germany. The historical discussion spans 500 years, providing valuable depth to the study.

Taken as a whole, the book provides a new perspective within the territorial-relational dichotom...

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Political Geography of Cities and Regions

Changing Legitimacy and Identity

2024 || Paperback || Kees Terlouw || Taylor & Francis

This monograph presents a novel typology of relational and territorial perspectives on legitimacy and identity. This typology is then applied to two different political and historical contexts, namely the trajectories of the metropolitan region Amsterdam in the Netherlands and the metropolitan region Ruhr in Germany. The historical discussion spans 500 years, providing valuable depth to the study.

Taken as a whole, the book provides a new perspective within the territorial-relational dichotom...

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Denken over regio's / Druk 3 (e-book)

Geografische perspectieven

2013 || E-book via Bookshelf || Ben de Pater e.a. || Coutinho

Het succes van bedrijven zoals McDonalds en IKEA wordt vaak gezien als het definitieve bewijs van de groeiende mondiale eenvormigheid. Mensen maken zich zorgen over deze toenemende uniformiteit van de wereld. Gebieden verliezen hun eigenheid; steden en regio's gaan steeds meer op elkaar lijken. Maar wie goed om zich heen kijkt, ziet ook het omgekeerde. Mondiaal opererende multinationals verbinden hun productnamen bijvoorbeeld graag aan historische regios, ICT-bedrijven vestigen zich in region...