Geen verdere filters gevondenImmanuel Kant (2)
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Kritiek van de praktische rede / druk 1
2006 || Hardcover || Immanuel Kant || Boom
Twee dingen vervullen de geest met steeds nieuwe en toenemende bewondering en eerbied, hoe vaker en langduriger het denken zich ermee bezighoudt: de sterrenhemel boven mij en de morele wet in mij.
Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History
2006 || Paperback || Immanuel Kant || Yale University Press
Immanuel Kant's views on politics, peace, and history have lost none of their relevance since their publication more than two centuries ago. This volume contains a comprehensive collection of Kant's writings on international relations theory and political philosophy, superbly translated and accompanied by stimulating essays. Pauline Kleingeld provides a lucid introduction to the main themes of the volume, and three essays by distinguished contributors follow: Jeremy Waldron on Kant's theory o...