Elizabeth Swanson (4)
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Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten / Druk 4
Vertaling van Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
2020 || Paperback || Sue Moorhead e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Dit boek is een vertaling van ‘Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)’. Deze vierde, herziene Nederlandse editie van Verpleegkundige zorgresultaten is gebaseerd op de zesde Amerikaanse druk. De NOC standaardiseert de namen en definities van zorgresultaten die worden gehanteerd in de verpleegkundige beroepspraktijk en in onderwijs en onderzoek. Dat maakt het boek tot een belangrijk hulpmiddel bij klinisch redeneren. Met behulp van de zorgresultaten kunnen verpleegkundigen en andere zorgverl...
NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions / 3rd edition
Supporting Critical Reasoning and Quality Care
2011 || Paperback || Howard K. Butcher e.a. || Elsevier
Based on research conducted by investigative teams at the University of Iowa, this book provides linkages between the three standardized languages recognized by the American Nurses Organization (NOC, NIC, and all of the 2009-2010 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses). It also features a chapter on clinical decision making.
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) / 7th Edition
Measurement of Health Outcomes
2023 || Paperback || Sue Moorhead e.a. || Elsevier
Enhance your care with the standardized measurement of nursing interventions! Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 7th Edition standardizes the terminology and criteria needed to measure and evaluate outcomes in all care settings and with all patient populations. A total of 612 research-based nursing outcome labels - including 82 that are NEW to this edition - provide clinically useful language to help you deliver treatment and document outcomes. Specific indicators are included to make it ...
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) / 6th Edition
Measurement of Health Outcomes
2018 || Paperback || Sue Moorhead e.a. || Elsevier
Promoting safe and effective nursing care, Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 6th Edition standardizes the terminology and criteria needed to measure and evaluate outcomes that result from nursing interventions. Over 540 research-based nursing outcome labels — including50 that are NEW to this edition — help to standardize expected patient outcomes. Specific indicators make it easier to evaluate and rate the patient in relation to outcome achievement. Written by an expert author team l...